I might have entitled this posting 'Letter from America' - but I think that it has been done.Watching the Mexican workers in the fields of artichokes around Castroville, I became aware of the main reason why there is a fifth column in both the UK and the USA where the employment of cheap labour - whether legal or illegal, matters not - is concerned.
As ever, I have no problem with people from other countries wanting to better themselves; it is their entitlement but the question which must be asked is 'Are there really any vacancies?'
That such low wage people are claimed 'To do the jobs our own people will not do' - on both sides of the Atlantic - is shameful.
We live in some sort of meritocracy wherein you learn the rules from very young that if you want 'a good job' then you must get the best education you can.
If you fail to play by the rules, you are in no position to complain later when others have 'the good jobs' and you are looking at the dirty, tedious, horrible, but nonetheless essential, tasks which our society needs done.
Where immigration is fundamentally immoral, is in the fact that it allows this social stratum to go unchecked - and of course now that group will claim that 'there are no jobs' and the population of the country has grown unnaturally with the immigrants brought in to protect such people. Many hardworking immigrants are now also out of work! Social disasters multiply.
The problems mount and must be laid at the door of successive, gutless governments with less moral fibre than a raspberry blancmange.