Friday, March 27, 2009

Preventing war: causing war?

"The EU will prevent war" idea is a fantasy. Consider how many wars, revolutions and coups have taken place when national groups have sought the right to rule themselves.
We are seeing built a federal state which will guarantee the rise of nationalistic groups of extreme right to be regaled as freedom fighters and leftwing groups in counterbalance. So my view differs to the europhile claim.
[Little wonder Europol has been formed with technically more powers than Himmler's Gestapo.
"Ah, but they don't use them" do I hear you say? - Once a power exists it WILL be used - be under no illusions.]
I may be wrong here, but the odds are probably greatly in favour of my scary scenario - predictions are not exact science and are dependent on the 'circumstances' point made by Macmillan, I think.

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