Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No apologies. Christianity DOES offend. Get used to it!

'The senior chaplain at Sandhurst military academy has dropped the Apostles' Creed from Anglican services saying it might offend religious minorities.
The Daily Mail reported on 31st January that centuries of religious tradition have been sacrificed for the sake of political correctness.
Reverend Jonathan Gough dropped the Christian declaration of faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit when he took office last month.
A fellow Chaplain said it had been removed 'to stop upsetting cadets who do not believe in God'. This is despite the fact that attendance is not compulsory. Non-believing Sandhurst cadets can and do opt out of church.
The Ministry of Defence said the Creed had been withdrawn from services at the Royal Memorial Chapel to make the church 'more inclusive'. Figures showing how the massive increase of attendance at church by cadets from other faiths and none since the service was made more 'inclusive' by hiding what Christians believe have not yet been released.'

Source: Christian Voice.

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