Saturday, March 07, 2009

'Social justice'.

I return for the first time in a long time to the question of 'Social justice'. This is a phrase which resounds with righteousness, compassion, decency, morality and integrity.
Tragically, it is anything but. Do not be misled, dear reader, into thinking that any of those virtues can be associated with this idea.
The phrase is a device, calculatedly used by the left to give the erroneous impression which you receive at first sight.
The actual meaning of the phrase is 'the entire leftwing agenda' - nothing more, nothing less.
If you are a raving leftie - you are free to use it as before. If you are not - then separate out the virtues we have identified and divorce them from this odious phrase.
It is very similar to the situation where " ... any country with the word 'democratic' in its title, is guaranteed to be a communist state."

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