"ALTERNATE WARMING and cooling has occurred about every 27 yrs since 1470 AD, well before atmospheric CO2 began to increase," wrote Geology Professor Don Easterbrook (2 Nov 2008), for Global Research. Easterbrook is Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University, Bellingham (USA) and has correlated historical records of climate cycles with data from the Greenland Ice Core, the Pacific and North Atlantic Oscillations and sunspots, and predicatively concludes the earth is entering a period of cooling that could last almost 30 years. Easterbrook's work was published by Global Research Jan 17 2009 just as winter took a turn for the worse in the Northern Hemisphere. Easterbrook concludes: "Global warming (i.e, the warming since 1977) is over. The minute increase of anthropogenic (man made) CO2 inthe atmosphere (0.008%) was not the cause of the warming - it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years. The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling, perhaps much deeper than the global cooling from about 1945 to 1977. Just how much cooler the global climate will be during this cool cycle is uncertain. Recent solar changes suggest that it could be fairly severe, perhaps more like the 1880 to 1915 cool cycle than the more moderate 1945-1977 cool cycle. A more drastic cooling, similar to that during the Dalton and Maunder minimums, could plunge the Earth into another Little Ice Age, but only time will tell if that is likely."
Easterbrook: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10783
My thanks to Creation Research.
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