Sunday, April 19, 2009

So. What happens when ...?

It is a Labour mantra that if the UK were to quit the EU we would lose 3 million jobs.
This is not even a deceit - it is a pure lie; propaganda designed to terrify the electorate into doing what they are told and worse - believing in full Orwellian fashion, what they have been told.
Remarkably, even after seeing what a dozen years of Labour politics brings to the world of untruths, there are those dyed-in-the-wool supporters who continue to parrot this egregious nonsense.

1] We are in a year on year trade deficit with the EU and so they would be forced to reach an immediate accomodation with us if we were to withdraw.

2] Santer, Kinnock et al have admitted that if we were to leave, associate status would be guaranteed - so no jobs at all would be lost.

3] Trade would be unaffected and we would be in the same relative position with the EU as are a great many nations worldwide from Iceland to Mexico, Norway to Switzerland. [Admittedly, tiny Iceland's banking fiasco does make it less likely that they can survive as a an individual nation and are already considering surrendering their rights to autonomy.]
4] We are told that 'we would lose input into the decision-making processes'. Laughable! Currently, we have a derisory 8% of the MEPs and 80% of our laws come from Brussels.
5] Norway only adopts 18% of EU regulations and ignores 82%! - We are bigger and more powerful - we would only adopt anything which is specifically good for the UK.
6] World markets where our free trade is already considerably stronger than with the EU would expand. Trading restrictions would disappear. Commonwealth links, even now, are there to be re-established. The future is very bright for exports and trade and jobs but only OUTSIDE.
7] Monies saved could renew our whole social structure - membership is extremely costly at around £55 billion annually.
Freed from the massive constraints, controls, bureaucracy and imperialistic pap, we could become a truly great trading nation again.
The ancillary benefits, too many to discuss in this short piece, would be phenomenal.

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