Monday, April 13, 2009

Teen abortions INCREASE!

I have stated before that I really cannot grasp how so many soft-in-the-middle types and 'do gooders' can, in contrast, lend unequivocal support to abortion.
We are now told that the heartbeat in the foetus can be detected at under 10 days!
At the other end of the scale, late abortions - which run into thousands annually here - result in the murder [there is no other word] of TOTALLY viable children.
Our society watches unplanned pregnancies spiral and believes that morality in the education of our children is an unreasonable imposition.
But is it really our society - or is it an unrepresentative group of liberals and politicians?
They say you get the government you deserve - maybe we are all to blame for not giving these people the elbow.
What was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah which made their societies worse than ours, I wonder.

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