Friday, April 17, 2009

Evolutionist 'scientists' never get carried away.

Hesperopithecus haroldcookii was the name given to the 'missing link' known as Nebraska Man.

Unlike the pure hoaxes/deceits which were Piltdown Man and the Haeckel Diagrams, Nebraska Man was not a fraud as such - but rather the proof of how evolutionist 'scientists' are so desperate, that they will literally do anything to justify their hypotheses and prove how wishful thinking rules.
Based on A SINGLE TOOTH, evolutionist 'scientists' came up with 'apeman' drawings like the one above and several museums designed 'apeman' statues for display to the public.
As normal, for decades after the tooth's true identity was revealed, 'Nebraska Man' remained taught on school syllabuses.
So, what was the truth? - Well ... er ... a bit embarrassing this - the tooth came from an extinct type of peccary - photo top right - Oink!
There are NO 'missing links' between man and bonobos [chimpanzees]. Cro Magnons and Neanderthals are human - Australopithicus is an extinct ape. Homo habilis is man. Zinjanthropus is ape. Java Man was a fraud.
AND the frauds surrounding 'Lucy' fom Olduvai Gorge are many.

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