Friday, May 18, 2012


There is 'no need to fear a more federal Europe!'  (Why not? - Because a raving europhile sez so!)

Europe needs to rediscover its élan and purpose or we will sleepwalk into disintegration and disunity – warns MEP and ALDE group leader. 11/05/2012.

There is 'no need to fear a more federal Europe' by Guy Verhofstadt.

Europe needs to rediscover its élan and purpose or we will sleepwalk into disintegration and disunity – warns MEP and ALDE group leader.
Hmm. There's a choice - 'disintegration & disunity'  OR the EU? On balance, I think I'll take the 'd&d', please.
'No need to fear a more federal Europe.' - Well in the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davis, "Well he would say that, wouldn't he?"
As for 'élan and purpose' - we know the imperialistic latter all too well - and have never seen any indicator or evidence, be it ever so faint, of the former!

A Church Ditches Digital.