Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mr Gledhill Summarises Well In The Yorkshire Post.

From: Richard D Gledhill, Main Street, Dent, Sedbergh, Cumbria.

WHILE the banking collapse precipitated the financial meltdown four years ago, it also coincided with derailing the irresponsible spending that so many European governments had been following for many years.
When the European Union was first conceived it was portrayed as a trading agreement between member nations. Over the years the rules and framework changed and gradually the concept of a European superstate took shape. More and more power and control was transferred to Brussels and the next stage of the evolution heralded the single currency.
When the bubble burst, realisation slowly dawned that the Eurocrats had no plausible solution to the problem.
Renegotiating the terms of the last Greek bail-out package effectively meant that banks and pension companies in Europe had to write off part of their own debt.
That had an effect in the UK and more widely meant that investors, and most of them are investors, would see a reduction in return on dividends and the value of our funds.
We all will carry the pain of the bail-out, but perhaps in the years to come rather than immediately. Any further renegotiated bail-out will only cause further pain. As the deteriorating situation grows and grows without any semblance of strategy from the Eurocrats, our own stock market haemorrhages and our pension funds, ISAs, PEPS, Unit Trusts and Endowments lose value.
Millions of people in the UK are already facing hardship and yet their will be more to come when they realise the value of their assets has fallen dramatically. Retirement dreams will be shattered and many will have to work beyond the age when they thought they could finally relax and live comfortably.
Most of the blame for the current crisis should be laid squarely at the doors of politicians whose arrogance, conceit and inflated egos have caused economies to tremble on the brink of destruction. We lack statesmen and women who have the courage to put the national need above personal greed.
                       TIME TO LEAVE!

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.
