Those of us who pay attention to history, politics and truth have known this for many years.
The EU, far from being a bright future, offers nothing but bankruptcy and decline
But as the EU’s ‘experts’ and ‘technocrats’ insanely destroy the economies of Greece, Spain and Italy, it must now surely be obvious to everyone.
The EU, far from being a bright future, offers nothing but bankruptcy and decline.If the old USSR was an Evil Empire – and it was – the EU is the Stupid Empire. Obsessed with the idea that the nation state is obsolete, the EU has sought to bind its colonies tightly, while pretending they are still independent.
This is why what is essentially a modern German empire is not held together by armies, but by a sticky web of regulations and a currency that destroys prosperity wherever it is introduced (with one important exception, Germany itself, for whom the euro means cheap exports to Asia).
It is also why it has been built backwards, starting with the roof and ending with the foundations. Old-fashioned empires were at least honest.'
The imposition of socialism onto a nation is doomed to disaster as Peter does not hesitate to explain elsewhere. That fails because it makes the fundamental mistake of believing that mankind is basically good when it is actually mean, selfish and venal. No amount of socialist rhetoric can compensate for that nor alter it.
With the EU, there is a similar problem. Again it is a belief in a flawed ideal which is imposed onto unwilling peoples - although, to be fair, in some nations the premise of the ideal is accepted at the outset by a majority who soon come to regret the decisions made - and that is not just in the PIIGS nations.
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