Strong families are the key to producing well adjusted and successful youngsters, it adds.
In fact, say the researchers, the children of married parents are likely to do better than those from broken or single-parent families – no matter how much state support the family is given.
The study singled out the British welfare state as an example of the failure of state support to make a difference to the lives and success of children.
The findings, published in the US in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, come in the wake of David Cameron’s announcement of free parenting classes and relationship support sessions, and a £3.4million website which will give tips on every aspect of child rearing.
Those incredibly blinkered leftists who try at every turn to undermine marriage, do so inevitably knowing the truth of the above. How could it be otherwise? Failed, socialist dogma is more important to them than the damage caused.
That the left is poison is surely self-evident!Read more: