Thursday, May 23, 2013

EEA Plus?

When sold-out europhiles brazenly lied to you by predicting 'doom to British trade, jobs and markets' (with a less than Cassandra-type honesty) should we ever 'be so foolish as to quit the EU' - they wantonly and dishonestly attempted to excise the EEA from your thought processes as an absurd means of deceiving all voters.
Our continuing membership of the EEA should we leave the EU has never been in any doubt!
MITK has recently revealed that the idea of an 'enhanced EEA membership' with attached, limited EU voting rights is now being widely mooted amongst those who want a fallback position. Defensive ramparts are being constructed - well behind the lines of battle.
Known as 'EEA Plus' the idea per se is actually not without merit but readers must realise that it is what this Blog has long predicted as the 'holding position' from which europhiles will try to launch their counterattacks and deceive the public into a backdoor return to the Evil Empire at some later date. As such - the idea is extremely dangerous as it appears to offer some sort of reasonable compromise position.
(Remember what ultimately happened when we pulled out of The First Gulf War at half time!)
What of Schengen do I hear you ask? - What indeed!

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...