Thursday, May 23, 2013

Online Newspaper Waging Petty Campaign Against Ukip.

Almost every edition of the widely-read Huffington Post now contains an apparently obligatory attack on Ukip for what are usually the most trivial of reasons.
Today, for example, it is considered worthy of 'front page treatment' to inform the public that a certain gentleman believes in the original Bible teaching on dress.
Big deal. Well yes it is - he has donated money to Ukip! They do not even know if the gent in question is a member.
Maybe they will turn to me next. 'Former Ukip candidate has a squalid history of murdering magpies' - maybe!
They can keep this kind of rubbish going for ever!
I would call it 'a rag' - but that seems singularly inappropriate when it never touches newsprint.
Mind you - its leftwing bias beats even The Guardian & the rather ill-named Independent. Perhaps it is on a Daily Mirror level!

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