Friday, May 24, 2013

Patricia Morgan Exposes Tory Wet 'Thinking' As Illogical.

It is one of the classic tactics of radical reformers to assert that a ‘progressive’ proposal is actually a means to achieving a traditionalist end. This is exactly what happened over the reform of the divorce laws in 1969/70.
Advocates argued that by making divorce much easier, the new law would do no more than help to end a few ‘dead’ unions that were beyond saving. By allowing this, it was argued, the institution of marriage would be left much stronger and more respected.
As we all know, it has hardly worked out like that. Just the opposite has happened.
Divorce rates have rocketed, marriage rates have plummeted and tens of thousands of children have been robbed of security.
A similarly disastrous outcome arose from another progressive policy — providing state support for lone parenthood outside marriage. Again, this was done with the best of intentions: to remove the stigma on single mothers and to provide for children whose fathers had abandoned them.
The upbeat language of the Tory modernisers is based on nothing more than self-delusion and wishful thinking
But in practice it has offered incentives to help the creation of fatherless families and the remorseless expansion of the benefits system.
The same applies to same-sex marriage today. The upbeat language of the Tory modernisers is based on nothing more than self-delusion and wishful thinking.
Consider too, the endless abuses of the '67 Abortion Act.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.