I'll believe this when I actually see it!
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, April 30, 2018
Leftist Politics Are Fundamentally Immoral!
Our brave new morality seems to concentrate on: hating the entrepreneurship which keeps taxation low; to butcher the as yet unborn; to protect criminals from the consequences of their actions; wanting taxation increased to punish anyone with money; to support the feckless as opposed to 'the deserving poor' and to hate all perpetrators of assorted 'isms'. To this we may add non-functioning economic thought processes built on a basis of hatred and bile.
If we turn to 'isms', for a moment, perhaps we may ask why these are quite so terrible. All may well be wrong - but see how perception of them 'multiplies this wrongness'.
I sometimes consider that this as a spiritual question. It is God who should be delving into and manipulating our hearts and minds - not leftist hate-mongers.
(I do differentiate here 100% between unacceptable conduct towards certain groups and to contrast this with mindsets and opinion.)
There are countless rational arguments against immigration - particularly uncontrolled immigration - to the shores of our overcrowded nation.
Nonetheless, let me consider a conundrum, here:
Which is worse - a person who feels that 'we are swamped by having too many foreigners in the UK' or a house burglar?
So many on the left would determine that the former is 'undoubtedly a racist' whether or not they deal fairly and equitably with the people from different backgrounds whom they encounter during daily life. Ergo, this person is beyond the pale: a thought criminal, no less. Furthermore, this heinous individual must never be allowed to even express their opinion without being threatened with being charged with 'a hate crime'.
Free speech is only permitted within parameters drawn up by the left. So successful has been their campaigning, before saying anything today, we must check our words against left-wing criteria.
The burglar however is merely 'a social victim'. Free will is seldom an issue which troubles them. What is more, they consider the former to be socially dangerous whereas the house burglar is a relatively insignificant inconvenience.
I have limited this piece to considering only racism through leftist eyes - there are so many more 'dangerous -isms' out there.)
My friend, the one who considers left-wing politics to be the product of a type of mental illness, may not be too far off the mark!
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Toby Keith is actually a democrat! (He is wrong to believe that 'his party' does not deal in hate too!) |
I sometimes consider that this as a spiritual question. It is God who should be delving into and manipulating our hearts and minds - not leftist hate-mongers.
(I do differentiate here 100% between unacceptable conduct towards certain groups and to contrast this with mindsets and opinion.)
There are countless rational arguments against immigration - particularly uncontrolled immigration - to the shores of our overcrowded nation.
Nonetheless, let me consider a conundrum, here:
Which is worse - a person who feels that 'we are swamped by having too many foreigners in the UK' or a house burglar?
So many on the left would determine that the former is 'undoubtedly a racist' whether or not they deal fairly and equitably with the people from different backgrounds whom they encounter during daily life. Ergo, this person is beyond the pale: a thought criminal, no less. Furthermore, this heinous individual must never be allowed to even express their opinion without being threatened with being charged with 'a hate crime'.
Free speech is only permitted within parameters drawn up by the left. So successful has been their campaigning, before saying anything today, we must check our words against left-wing criteria.
The burglar however is merely 'a social victim'. Free will is seldom an issue which troubles them. What is more, they consider the former to be socially dangerous whereas the house burglar is a relatively insignificant inconvenience.
I have limited this piece to considering only racism through leftist eyes - there are so many more 'dangerous -isms' out there.)
My friend, the one who considers left-wing politics to be the product of a type of mental illness, may not be too far off the mark!
It Would Be Rather Nice If We Were Able To Feel That The PM Were On Our Side!
Stand up to EU or QUIT: May braces for Brexit revolt with Tories poised to oust PM.
THERESA May has been warned she will face a vote of no confidence in her leadership if she fails to stand firm on immigration and customs arrangements in a crunch week for Brexit policy.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
California To Ban Books? - Index Librorum Prohibitorum?

Once again in California, we see that the new sexual orthodoxy trumps the Constitution.
All Americans should be alarmed, and I mean increasingly so, about the California Assembly’s increasing disregard for the First Amendment.
After all, it’s the California Assembly that attempted to require pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise the state’s “free or low-cost” abortion services, the subject of a recent Supreme Court oral argument.
Even liberal Justice Sotomayor called that law “burdensome and wrong.”
But now, the California Assembly has voted to add what it calls “conversion therapy” to the list of “deceptive business practices” prohibited by state law. California already banned “conversion therapy,” at least for minors, in 2012. This new bill, AB 2943, not only extends that ban to adults, it also makes the sale of all goods and services involving “sexual orientation change efforts” an “unlawful business practice.”
Thus, according to this bill, you can talk to a psychotherapist about your same-sex attraction as long as the goal is “acceptance, support, and understanding” and avoiding “unlawful conduct or unsafe sexual practices.”
But if the goal is to somehow to alter or even rein in those attractions or associated behaviors, it’s against the law.
Now by itself, this level of state interference with patient-doctor relationships raises significant constitutional issues. It’s forgotten that an important part of the rationale behind Roe v. Wade was that the right to privacy included doctors and patients being able to decide on a course of treatment without undue government interference.
But what makes matters worse is that AB 2943 is so broadly and vaguely worded. It’s hard to predict where this thing will reach. Words like “goods,” “acceptance,” “support” and “understanding” are the legal equivalent of minefields waiting to blow up.
For example, if a psychotherapist doesn’t try to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity but is, in the patients’ eyes, insufficiently accepting, supportive, and understanding, has he run afoul of AB 2943?
And what constitutes a “good?” Does an academic field of study count as a “good” or “service?” The implications for Christian colleges and universities are dire. Will a Summit Ministries conference, which teaches students they don’t need to act on same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria, be illegal in California?
What about books, particularly those that endorse historic Christian teaching on sexuality and marriage, like my book with Sean McDowell? Would it be banned under this law?
It’s absurd that under AB 2943, a California bookstore could sell “Mein Kampf” without legal repercussion, but not a book on changing, or even curbing the acting upon, sexual orientation. Nor is it clear which books would run afoul of AB 2943. There’s no spelled-out difference between a “how to” manual for conversion therapy and a legal and cultural analysis of the issues, like, for example, “When Harry Became Sally” by Ryan Anderson.
The bottom line is that AB 2943 is a textbook example of viewpoint discrimination.
David French of National Review is right when he calls the bill “extraordinarily radical.” It should alarm us all that the obvious constitutional problems weren’t obvious to the sponsors and supporting legislators.
The California Senate will now take up the bill. If you live in California, you need to let your senator know that stifling free speech under the guise of consumer protection is beyond unacceptable. If you don’t live in California but have friends and relatives who do, send them this commentary and urge them to contact their state senator.
And for all of us: We need to pray that they will find wisdom and courage to do the right thing.
California To Ban Books? AB 2943 an Assault on the First Amendment
As John has said, this is a troubling step by California’s legislature. Pray that the state senate does not disregard the First Amendment right of freedom of speech, and that viewpoint discrimination is not allowed to take root. And as John has suggested, if you live in California, contact your state senator. If you don’t live in California but have friends and relatives who do, send them this commentary and urge them to get in touch with their senators.
No Talk Of 'Second Votes' When Remainers Thought That They Would Win!
Batten Slams Labour Leader in the European Parliament Over Issue of a Second EU Referendum.
Published Apr 25, 2018
UKIP Leader, Gerard Batten, has slammed Labour’s Leader in the European Parliament, Richard Corbett, after he raised the possibility of a second EU referendum, saying; “while another vote may be the great hope of the pro-European political elite; it will do nothing more than further polarise public opinion on the matter of Brexit.”
“We already had a democratic vote in 2016; with the majority of British people voting in favour of leaving the EU. Therefore, people like Mr Corbett should accept and respect the will of the British people and stop looking for every way possible to undermine the democratic result,” added Mr Batten.
Mr Batten’s comments were prompted after arch-Europhile and Labour Leader in the European Parliament, Richard Corbett MEP, said that a second referendum could be called if Theresa May failed to win MPs support for her EU withdrawal bill, causing what he called a ratification crisis; before saying there was a feeling that Brexit is 'not a done deal' is growing.
Speaking from Brussels, Mr Batten dismissed the idea, saying, “a second referendum would prove nothing!"
"Remainers may reject the Withdrawal Agreement because they don't want to leave, and Leavers may reject it because it may be so bad that it does not really achieve a proper Exit at all. Such a referendum would tell us nothing. The Referendum decisions to leave was achieved in the face of a ferocious campaign Project Fear and the result must be respected."
“To any politician who says the people of Britain want another referendum, I would suggest they get out of their Westminster and Brussels bubbles and speak to more people on the street. The British people are politically exhausted, and a second referendum would be nothing more than a massive waste of time and public money!”
“Other than a small group of remain supporters, there is no support for yet another national vote on the subject of the EU. Most people, whether they voted remain or to leave, simply want politicians to get on and get us out of the EU.”
Catalan Situation Is 'Surreal'.
Six months after the Spanish government suspended Catalonia's autonomy, trying to govern Barcelona is "sometimes surreal," the city's deputy mayor Laia Ortiz admitted.
"The Catalan situation has a lot of impact on everyday life. It's really difficult," she told EUobserver in an interview.
Sincethe government applied Article 155of the constitution, in reaction to an independence declaration by the Catalan parliament, the region has been ruled by ministries in Madrid under the authority of the deputy prime minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria.
In Barcelona, Ortiz explained, responsibilities are shared between the city and the 'Generalitat' (Catalonia's government) in four areas - education, health, housing and social services. EU Observer.
Prayer Corner - A Mighty Answer.
I recently asked for prayer on behalf of Joe who was desperately ill after a massive heart attack. Joe is a friend, former colleague and father to a young son.
As recently as Thursday last, the sounds coming from the hospital were beyond negative.
Now, the hospital is sounding pretty upbeat.
Thanks, Lord! Thanks too to those who did lend prayer support.
Please continue to pray that he will, not merely survive, but be able to lead a fully normal life.
His wife is certainly thanking God for His intervention.
As recently as Thursday last, the sounds coming from the hospital were beyond negative.
Now, the hospital is sounding pretty upbeat.
Thanks, Lord! Thanks too to those who did lend prayer support.
Please continue to pray that he will, not merely survive, but be able to lead a fully normal life.
His wife is certainly thanking God for His intervention.
Christian Persecutions In India.
Christians Face 2 Years in Prison for Evangelism in 8th India State to Pass 'Anti-Conversion' Law.
The North Indian state of Uttarakhand is now the eighth state in the country to pass legislation that is officially named "Freedom of Religion Act" but has the allegedly hidden intent to punish those who facilitate religious conversions, especially conversions from Hinduism to Christianity.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Down Syndrome Abortions.
Should Down Syndrome Babies Be Aborted?
Since I believe life begins at conception and is sacred from that moment to natural death, obviously I oppose the decision to abort a child. Let's consider this issue in the context of congenital conditions.
King Athelstan. (I Live On His Road.)
Athelstan - First King of All England.

William of Malmesbury records how fond the king was of Athelstan and he made him a knight at an early age giving him a sword with a golden scabbard. He also describes how handsome he was ‘A boy of astonishing beauty and graceful manners’.
When his father, King Edward died in 924 AD, Athelstan was not the first in line to succeed; he had an elder brother, Aelfweard. Opportunely, Aelfweard died within a fortnight of his father's death and Athelstan was crowned king on 17th July 925 at Kingston-upon-Thames.
He soon displayed the strong character and leadership qualities that enabled him to unite England. He is recorded as never having lost a battle and was called 'Athelstan the Glorious'. He subdued a rebellion in Cornwall and similarly subdued the Welsh who paid him annual tribute of gold, silver and 25,000 oxen. At Eamont Bridge near Penrith on 12th July 927 kings of Scotland and Strathclyde acknowledged him as overlord by swearing allegiance. However, their memories were short and with the Danish King Olaf they rose against Athelstan. At the battle of Brunanburh Athelstan defeated them decisively.
He could now claim to be King of All England. He was determined to forge links with Europe which he did by marrying his four half-sisters to European royalty. He sent two sisters to Otto I, the Holy Roman Emperor telling him to choose which he fancied. Otto chose Eadgyth. Her tomb is in the Cathedral of Magdeburg. A lead sarcophagus bearing her name has recently been found and opened and is currently being examined.
Athelstan is remembered for his piety; he founded many monasteries such as the Abbey of St. John at Beverley and he was a generous bestower of holy relics.
Duke Hugh of the Franks, when seeking the hand of Eadhild, Athelstan’s half-sister, sent Athelstan relics which included the Lance of Charlemagne which had pierced the side of Jesus. He also gave him the Sword of Constantine which had fragments of the cross including a nail set in crystal in the hilt. Athelstan gave these relics to Malmesbury abbey. Others, more bizarre, like the head of St. Branwaladr or St.Samson’s arm he gave to other churches.
Athelstan oversaw the translation of the bible into English. He established a formal organization for masons which may have led to Freemasonry in England. He encouraged the establishment of burhs where trade would become concentrated. This discouraged fraud and laid the foundation of a rural economy based on the market town. Although keen to promote commerce he banned Sunday trading. He reformed the currency which had become badly debased. Athelstan's head would be seen on silver pennies cast at the many mints around the country.
Athelstan is reputed to have one of his Palaces at Brokenborough. There is a Saxon complex towards Foxley which could have associations with Athelstan. He certainly had a villa at Norton and land at Foxley. A road still called 'Kingway' passes through these and and goes on to Hullavington before returning to Malmesbury. A railway bridge across the A249 is named 'Kingway Bridge'.
Malmesbury remembers this great king for the grant of land, five hides to the south west of the town (about 600 acres or 260 hectares.) This land is held by the Warden and Freemen of Malmesbury to this day. And he confirmed the charters from his father, Edward and his grandfather, Alfred.
I, Athelstan, King of the English, on behalf of myself and my successors grant to my Burgesses and to their successors of the Burg of Meldufu that they may have and hold always all their tributes and free customs, as they held them in the time of King Edward, my Father, fully and in honour.
And I enjoin on all beneath my rule that they do no wrong to these Burgesses, and I order that they be free from claims and payment of Scot
And I give and grant to them that royal heath land of five hides near my vill of Norton, on account of their assistance in my Struggle against the Danes
And I enjoin on all beneath my rule that they do no wrong to these Burgesses, and I order that they be free from claims and payment of Scot
And I give and grant to them that royal heath land of five hides near my vill of Norton, on account of their assistance in my Struggle against the Danes
Athelstan died on 27th October 939 in his palace at Gloucester after only fourteen years on the throne - what a lot he achieved. He was buried at his beloved Malmesbury, where exactly is not known. The tomb in the Abbey is fifteenth century and is empty, but his name lives on in Malmesbury.
France (and the EU's) Insanity On The Immigration Question.
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ALL Illegals Must Be Deported.

A spokesperson for the UK Border Force has confirmed that a ‘child’ from Peru is to be deported after dental tests confirmed that he was actually 58 years old.
The unnamed individual was chosen for random testing as the latest group of unaccompanied children arrived at a West London train station – witnesses said he was carrying a single suitcase and had no planned family in mind to look after him.
Our source added: ‘As the group of children were getting off the train, a reception committee was waiting at the end of the platform – this included the Tory MP Cruella John-Lewis who instantly had a look of suspicion.’
‘In her capacity as a Home Office minister, she asked a police officer to take the individual to one side and remove him for dental testing to prove that he was of the correct age to be referred to as a child.’
‘A few hours later, the results came back and it was clear that he was in fact 58 years old – he had been trying to conceal his age by wearing a child’s duffel coat and an old red bush hat.’
Mrs John-Lewis told Southend News Network that the government reserves the right to check the age of all unaccompanied child refugees arriving in the UK in order to ‘help those who are in the greatest need of help.’
She added: ‘A UK Border Force officer had already flagged this individual to us before I asked for his age to be checked. He was overheard saying that he ‘would kill for a marmalade sandwich,’ and there were concerns that he had been radicalised in some way.’
‘When his suitcase was checked, our officers found a secret compartment that could have been used to conceal a weapon or a jar of preserves. All of this justified our decision to have his age checked scientifically.’
‘We also noticed that he was being incredibly polite and courteous throughout the whole experience, as if he was hiding something. His English was immaculate.’
EU: Sorry Arthur - Only Partly Right. May Has Displayed Weakness!
Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.
THE British Press has consistently blamed Theresa May and her team for lack of progress in negotiating an amicable Brexit agreement (The Yorkshire Post, April 24 and 25). All the blame should, in fact, lie on the shoulders of the EU negotiators who were clearly instructed and appointed to be as obstructive, unhelpful and utterly uncooperative as possible and to oppose the whole idea of Britain leaving so that its negotiators would become discouraged. Mrs May and her team may yet have to conclude that no reasonable agreement will ever be possible, and that a clean break is both the only possibility.
Read more at:
THE British Press has consistently blamed Theresa May and her team for lack of progress in negotiating an amicable Brexit agreement (The Yorkshire Post, April 24 and 25). All the blame should, in fact, lie on the shoulders of the EU negotiators who were clearly instructed and appointed to be as obstructive, unhelpful and utterly uncooperative as possible and to oppose the whole idea of Britain leaving so that its negotiators would become discouraged. Mrs May and her team may yet have to conclude that no reasonable agreement will ever be possible, and that a clean break is both the only possibility.
Read more at:
Friday, April 27, 2018
The Sin Of Anger.
The next of the Seven Deadly Sins is wrath, or anger. As is true of the other sins on the list, wrath can take a variety of forms. It can arise quickly and dissipate quickly, or it can build gradually over time and last for days, weeks, or even a lifetime. It can be expressed as violence, rage, cursing, and insult, or it can be silent, simmering resentment.
In all cases, however, wrath is directed at someone or something that we perceive as having wronged us, failed us, or thwarted us in the pursuit of our desires. Most often, the target of our anger is another person or persons, though it can also be directed at an animal or an inanimate object or even at ourselves.
Jesus deals with anger in the Sermon on the Mount:
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matt. 5:21-22)
Is Anger Ever Appropriate?
From these words, early monastic theologians concluded that all anger directed at another person is sinful. Verses such as Eph. 4:26 (Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger) were interpreted as referring strictly to anger directed at ourselves over our sins. Later theologians, however, argued that this was not the case: If we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves, and if it is permissible to be angry at our own sins because of the harm they do, should we not also be angry at our neighbor’s sins that also do harm and offend God? By this reasoning, anger at sin is appropriate, whether our own or our neighbor’s.
The challenge, however, is distinguishing when our anger is in fact appropriate. Our unrighteous anger frequently masks itself as “righteous indignation.” We feel justified in lashing out and condemning others, ostensibly for their sin, but in reality, because we didn’t get our way, or we feel offended, or we feel cheated or disrespected, or any of a range of self-centered excuses. In the overwhelming majority of cases, “righteous” anger, isn’t. It is possible, but it is also very rare.
In light of Jesus’ teachings, if we are dealing with a situation that looks like it involves genuine sin, there are three essential elements that come into play. First, we need to have the humility to recognize that we may have misinterpreted the situation; there may be considerably more going on than we’re aware of, and our understanding of what happened and the motivations behind it may be wrong. Second, we need to depersonalize it as much as possible—in other words, we should be angry at the action, not the person. Third, we need to be ready to forgive any wrongs that have been done to us as freely as we would like God to forgive us.
One distinction is worth noting: temptation to anger is not anger. Things happen—someone cuts us off in traffic, for example—and we feel that instant surge of adrenaline and an inclination to get angry. That is not in itself sin. Following the analysis from the first article in the series, that is the logismos of wrath presenting itself. If we accept the thought and then act on it, whether internally by allowing ourselves to stew over it, verbally by cursing, or in actions by leaning on the horn or driving aggressively against the person ourselves, then we have passed into the realm of sin. A momentary flash of anger is not sin—it is something launched into us. Only when we consent and work with it does it actually become sin.
How Not to Deal with Wrath
We often think that the best way to deal with our anger is by venting—expressing our anger and getting it out of our system. Our culture is built around feeling rather than thinking, and so expressing our emotions is seen as healthy, authentic, and a good way to process them so we can move on. Particularly in the wake of Sigmund Freud, repressing feelings is seen as psychologically damaging, and thus that we need to let it out to achieve any kind of catharsis.
Not surprisingly, the monastic theologians who analyzed the sins argued strongly against this. They believed that rather than helping us deal with anger, venting would prolong our anger or even make it worse. Modern psychological studies bear this out: venting is not a healthy way of dealing with anger.
If we shouldn’t vent, suppressing our anger would seem to be the only alternative. Rather than allowing ourselves to express anger in word or deed, in this view we should swallow it. The obvious problem with this is that it easily gives way to sullen resentment, simmering hostility, spiteful silence, and quite possibly an explosion of anger or an act of revenge later. The monastic theologians were clear that this was also an ineffective way of dealing with wrath. On this point, Freud was right: repressing anger isn’t helpful, and it will ruin relationships and make a bad situation worse.
So, if we should neither vent nor repress, what is the alternative?
Cultivating Virtue
The solution advocated by our ancient theologians is the long process of cultivating the virtues of patience and humility. Both of these, especially the former, are antidotes to anger.
How do we do this? There are several approaches.
First, when confronted with the temptation to anger, we should always follow the Golden Rule: if we do not want others to ascribe bad motives to us, we should not ascribe bad motives to them. Psychologists call this reframing: look at the situation and try to find an explanation of the person’s behavior that does not include an intentional slight to you. If it is a direct insult, consider what might be going on in the person’s life that led to it. Maybe he’s having a bad day. Maybe her child is in the hospital. That does not give them the right to be rude, but it provides a context that allows you not to take it personally—thus cutting off the response of anger.
We should also recognize that whatever someone has done to us, we have probably done the same or worse to others. If we excuse our own behavior, we need to excuse others’ (Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors). And if we don’t excuse our behavior, if we are angry at ourselves for doing whatever it is, we should be in a better position to extend grace to others who fail the way we have.
Second, the monks advocated silence in response to provocations—not the silence of simmering resentment, but the silence of prayer, of recollection of the good relationship you have had with the person in the past, and of hope for restoration of the relationship. This again can short-circuit wrath.
A good indication of your attitude toward someone whom you see as having wronged you is whether you can thank God for that person and pray for her or him. If you can’t do this from your heart, you have a problem with anger and unforgiveness.
Third, do not avoid people with whom you are angry. The goal is restoration of relationship, and that cannot happen if you are avoiding them or giving them the cold shoulder. Community helps here: you can each gain perspective on your behavior and your attitudes with the help of friends and the Church when possible.
Lastly, own your anger. No one can make you angry—you do that yourself. All they can do is create a situation to which you can respond in anger—or not. You are not a victim of your emotions; they do not have to control you. Take responsibility for them, confess those that are sinful to God and others, and cultivate the practices that will over time strip anger’s control over your life. Look at the kinds of situations in which you are likely to get angry and develop a healthy strategy for dealing with them when they come your way. Prior preparation can go a long way toward preventing wrath from taking over our hearts.
As you engage in these and related practices, the gifts of the Spirit of patience and humility will develop in your soul. These are the ultimate antidotes to wrath in our lives. Glenn Sunshine - Breakpoint.
Batten Slams Worker Exploitation.
UKIP Leader slams open borders worker exploitation.
MPs have announced that they are to investigate the growth of hand car-wash services in the UK, due to concerns they are exploiting workers.
The anti-slavery commissioner expressed concerns about conditions in the industry, amid reports of workers being housed eight to a room and not being paid the minimum wage.
UKIP Leader Gerard Batten today slammed the state of Britain’s immigration system, which enables nefarious networks for trafficking and slavery to exist.
Mr Batten said:
Mr Batten said:
"This 'revelation' tells us nothing we don't already know, but which our politically correct masters do not want to admit.
"Britain's lack of any meaningful immigration policy means that people are being imported by the millions, in many cases to be exploited as the cheapest of cheap labour.
"No doubt the call will be for more laws and regulation, which as usual will address the symptoms of the problem and not the cause.
"Britain’s immigration policy is effectively, 'the more the merrier’, except we are not getting merrier.
"A lack of any meaningful controls means that poor people are imported in order to be exploited, while the living standards of our own people are driven down.
"We see lower wages for those at the bottom of the economic ladder, whilst the costs of accommodation are driven up. And those at the bottom are in competition with migrants for benefits and public services.
"Open borders are a fetish of the politically correct elite. They do nothing to help the bulk of the British people or aid the real economy.
"UKIP wants a complete exit from the EU. Only then can issues such as our disgraceful immigration system be addressed."
Brigg Fair - A Wonderful English Folk Song. (Should Maybe Have Saved This Til August.)
- It was on the fifth of August the weather fine and fair,
- Unto Brigg Fair I did repair, for love I was inclined.
- I rose up with the lark in the morning, with my heart so full of glee,
- Of thinking there to meet my dear, long time I'd wished to see.
- I took hold of her lily-white hand, O and merrily was her heart:
- "And now we're met together, I hope we ne'er shall part".
- For it's meeting is a pleasure, and parting is a grief,
- But an unconstant lover is worse than any thief.
- The green leaves they shall wither and the branches they shall die
- If ever I prove false to her, to the girl that loves me.
- Sung and newly arranged by the great traditional singer, Martin Carthy MBE.
- Collected by Percy Grainger and arranged by Delius. 1906 recording by Joseph Taylor follows Martin.
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