Friday, April 20, 2018

No. We Do NOT Have A Conservative Government!

From the economy to crime, this is not a truly conservative government

It is not just “centrists”, that motley crew of Blairites, Left-wing Tories and Remainiac metropolitan graduates, who feel politically homeless, stuck between Jeremy Corbyn’s hard-Left army and Theresa May’s Brexit government. Such folk have garnered much attention for their cause, and are by all accounts busy plotting another doomed party.
Yet another important ideological group feels just as marginalised, even if its unhappiness has received almost no publicity. 
Yes, dear readers, I’m thinking of those who were once known as Thatcherites: that loose assortment of free-marketeers, tax-cutters, anti-statists, libertarians and true liberals.....
Blogger: So, this rather begs a question, does it not? If they aren't Tories - then what the heck are they?
Right-wing of Labour, maybe? Liberal left? The vacant, the vacuous, the rudderless? - (Hmm - that last one rings a bell.)
Their only plus point is that they are not yet outright Labourites or Lib Dems. Even those now described as 'right-wing Tories' would never have remotely passed as such in any time period of the last seventy years!

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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