Monday, April 30, 2018

Leftist Politics Are Fundamentally Immoral!

Our brave new morality seems to concentrate on: hating the entrepreneurship which keeps taxation low; to butcher the as yet unborn; to protect criminals from the consequences of their actions; wanting taxation increased to punish anyone with money; to support the feckless as opposed to 'the deserving poor' and to hate all perpetrators of assorted 'isms'. To this we may add non-functioning economic thought processes built on a basis of hatred and bile.
Toby Keith is actually a democrat! (He is wrong to believe that 'his party' does not deal in hate too!)
If we turn to 'isms', for a moment, perhaps we may ask why these are quite so terrible. All may well be wrong - but see how perception of them 'multiplies this wrongness'.
I sometimes consider that this as a spiritual question. It is God who should be delving into and manipulating our hearts and minds - not leftist hate-mongers.
(I do differentiate here 100% between unacceptable conduct towards certain groups and to contrast this with mindsets and opinion.)
There are countless rational arguments against immigration - particularly uncontrolled immigration - to the shores of our overcrowded nation.
Nonetheless, let me consider a conundrum, here:
Which is worse - a person who feels that 'we are swamped by having too many foreigners in the UK' or a house burglar?
So many on the left would determine that the former is 'undoubtedly a racist' whether or not they deal fairly and equitably with the people from different backgrounds whom they encounter during daily life. Ergo, this person is beyond the pale: a thought criminal, no less. Furthermore, this heinous individual must never be allowed to even express their opinion without being threatened with being charged with 'a hate crime'.
Free speech is only permitted within parameters drawn up by the left. So successful has been their campaigning, before saying anything today, we must check our words against left-wing criteria.
The burglar however is merely 'a social victim'. Free will is seldom an issue which troubles them. What is more, they consider the former to be socially dangerous whereas the house burglar is a relatively insignificant inconvenience.
I have limited this piece to considering only racism through leftist eyes - there are so many more 'dangerous -isms' out there.)

My friend, the one who considers left-wing politics to be the product of a type of mental illness, may not be too far off the mark!

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...