Sunday, April 22, 2018

How To Argue With Lefties - The Simplest Way Of All To Win Arguments!

One could end a lot of political discussions by just saying "Switzerland".

-"Tax competition leads to a race to the bottom!"

-"Healthcare cannot be left to the market!"

-"Rich countries got rich by exploiting overseas colonies!"

-"EU membership is vital for prosperity!"

-"Without the greenbelt, there'd be no countryside!"

But hey, who knows: Maybe in a few years, Switzerland will collapse, and I'll have to eat my words, like all the lefties deleting their pro-Venezuela articles from a few years ago.
And then I'll say: "Ah, but that wasn't REAL fiscally decentralised liberal capitalism!"

Doubt it, though. It will never be considered cool to say "We should be more like Switzerland", but at least we baddies don't have to change our preferred showcase example every 5 years, and retroactively disown the previous one. 

Found wandering on its around the net. To whoever wrote this clever piece - many, many thanks!

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...