Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Corbyn Is An Economic Illiterate!

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley. Yorkshire Post.
For most of my working life I was an employer of staff in a small business. My eyes nearly popped out of my head on reading “Corbyn offers teenagers a pay rise with £10 an hour living wage” (The Yorkshire Post, June 24).
It is as plain as a pikestaff that Jeremy Corbyn has never employed anybody himself or run a business making a profit – this being the dirtiest word in the Socialist dictionary.
His Parliamentary staff are paid by the taxpayer.
This mad plan will close apprentice schemes down across the UK, make under-25s almost unemployable, in the process quadrupling youth unemployment.
A Labour government will replicate the youth unemployment rates that we see in southern Europe.
In February 2017 seasonally adjusted youth unemployment in the UK was 12 per cent, double that to 24 for France, then rising in Portugal (25), Croatia (29), Cyprus (30), Italy (35), Spain (42) and Greece (45).
Why would a company pay a wet behind the ears youth, with zero work experience, the same rate as 25-year-olds?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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