Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Age of The Earth?

 Secular timescales for the age of the earth are based on the false idea that there were no catastrophic events in the past.

Stop and imagine what a mega asteroid strike would do to the alleged long term layers slow deposition. It would damage and stir up beyond all recognition. Mega volcanoes? Earthquakes? Tsunamis?

We have seen what a Mount St Helens can do in modern history. (1980.) Yet existing strata - a mere 41 years old - could so easily have been calculated as being countless years old had we not known otherwise.

Surtsey is an Icelandic island which meets almost all the criteria for having been formed over millions of years but was actually caused by volcanic eruption in 1967! It has a very complete eco system.

The problem is the unfailing belief that all places work to a steady, never/rarely changing process called uniformitarianism.

The evidence across more than 500 ancient cultures for a global flood is certainly compelling and in countless places is backed up by the geology but, of course, the obvious is scrapped when it does not fit pre-conceived criteria.

You thought long ages for the earth must be believed or you are guilty of intellectual suicide? Well there is a tiny number of scientists - not all Christians, I must add - who do not believe what we are told that we MUST accept as fact by the powers that be in science and education. Look at Ken Ham's 'A Flood of Evidence.' You might be very surprised indeed.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...