Friday, June 25, 2021

The Leftist Press Cannot Be Trusted To Report Brexit Honestly.

Now. I am sure that most readers will be well aware of the fact in the title but the red media have been holding back on one great news item after another.

Try going to The Mirror, The Guardian or The Independent and keeping yourself informed about the numerous trade deals which Liz Truss has brought back to the nation. It is impossible.

If reported at all - they are hidden away on Page 16 and never presented in any positive light whatsoever. 

This Blog has reported to you so many other benefits but all you will find are niggles about fishing (ironic really when you consider that this rather poor, delayed deal achieved more than anything inside the EU from 1973 onwards).

You will also find niggles about the problems with N. Ireland borders. This occurred, purely and simply, because of the unreasonableness of Barnier and his federalist cronies.

This hiding of the truth is found throughout the BBC and associated leftist news channels.

It is incredible that Lord Adonis has so many of his pals trying to get us back into this wretched, corrupt, mega-costly, deviant body.

Let us be honest - they actually WANT us to fail.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...