Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Just What Else Would You Expect? - Victims of Doctrinaire Socialism From Abolition of Grammar Schools To Favouritism For Certain Minorities.

Poorer white pupils neglected for decades, say MPs.

By Sean Coughlan
Family and education correspondent


"It's nothing short of a scandal" how white working class pupils in England have been "let down and neglected" by the education system for decades, says a hard-hitting report from MPs.

Robert Halfon, education select committee chairman, dismissed "divisive concepts like 'white privilege' that pit one group against another".

Poorer white pupils are falling behind "every step of the way", he warned.

The Department for Education said it was investing in "levelling up".

The report accuses the government of "muddled thinking" in failing to target support at the "forgotten" disadvantaged white pupils - who underachieve from early years through to GCSEs, A-levels and university entry. BBC.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...