Saturday, June 19, 2021




Throughout 2020, Release partners have reported on the continuing brutal attacks on Christian communities by militant Fulani herdsmen.
‘We have seen well-planned, well- orchestrated, systematic attacks on Christian communities that have nothing to do with a fight for grazing lands,’ said partner Rev Hassan John.
‘These attacks are driven by an Islamist ideology, aimed at destroying “the infidels” and, in many places, displacing them from their communities, while the government, by design or omission, turns a blind eye to the carnage.
‘The politically correct narrative which is easier for the international community to swallow – and which suits the Nigerian Government well – is to blame desertification and climate change.’
Release partner Mark Lipdo of Stefanos Foundation, said: ‘The failure of governance in Nigeria has led to increased criminality with impunity.’ As a result Christians have suffered increasing attacks, including robbery and kidnapping for ransom.
Unless the authorities hold perpetrators accountable, and take measures to protect vulnerable communities, we can expect attacks against Christians to continue throughout 2021. Release Int.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...