Sunday, June 27, 2021

Prayer Corner.

 Baby Ralph's heart operation was postponed for several weeks when scheduled to take place last Thursday. He is now poorly and back in hospital. Please pray that the op can go ahead soon and will be a complete success.

Please pray for a very young boy called Seth who is facing much suffering over the next three days as a consequence of some rather heavy duty chemotherapy.

Please pray for Paul who may be facing a death sentence from his cancer doctors.

Please pray for Diane and family as she is worn out following life-saving brain surgery. She may have as much as several months of exhaustion facing her.

Please pray for James who is responding well to chemo and immunotherapy. Unfortunately, the latter has had to be halved due to some horrific rashes all over his body. Pray that this condition may be only temporary.

Pray for Jan whose vicious tumour has taken a real battering from her chemo but the after effects of her treatment can be pretty bad.

Pray for Val, Joe, Brian, Derek, Joe, Lindsey, Don, Marlene, Peter, Peter, Jamie-Lee, Tony, Buddy, Jeff and Mary.

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...