Sunday, June 24, 2007


In the days of Charles Dickens, debtors could easily find themselves locked up in the Marshalsea and a percentage would have merited our sympathy.
Today, one cannot be locked up for debt unless there is a fraudulent element attached.
People in debt today include: the simpleminded; those enticed by loans companies; some with habits to support; others with a spendthrift in the family; the unfortunate; the careless; the well-intentioned who overstretch themselves and sometimes - the downright stupid. Some have had businesses fail catastrophically and some are simply unlucky. Of these, I have no comment to make although the knock on effects of folly can still damage many-a-third party.
There are others; those who will wantonly take goods and services which they have never had the slightest intention of paying for; those who misuse bankruptcy and administration; those who do not care when their appalling behaviour wrecks small businesses and those who will never pay back however much care and assistance is afforded to them.
For the second group, these people are thieves by any other name and should be imprisoned.

For the former group, congratulations to Christians Against Poverty for their excellent work.

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...