Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mad officials.

Most Health & Safety madness has arrived here direct from Brussels. The trouble is that once the noxious legislation is enacted we have our own lunatics here to interpret it it in an even crazier manner.
Reference: Monkton Heathfield in Somerset where those valiant people who face Somme-like dangers every single day are being forced to take out £5 million poundsworth of insurance cover.
Popping down to the allotment was always ridden with spine-chilling danger!


STRONGLY recommended: "The Mad Officials" by Chris Booker. DANGER! This book makes your blood pressure rise, your anger levels soar and your knuckles go white - perhaps it should be reported to...

. Book available second hand at just £0-96 plus postage.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?