Thursday, June 07, 2007

No care in the community.

Were you aware that certain mental patients released into the community are killing at a rate of around one person every single week?
400 unfortunates have met up with one of these highly dangerous people - and not lived to tell the tale - in the last eight years alone.
Inevitably, the vast majority of these killers will have been released from prisons, mental institutions and hospitals for the criminally insane. In short, they have a history of being truly dangerous.

The question must be asked:

Whose rights should the government be protecting - those of people simply too dangerous ever to see freedom again or those of the public in general?

With what is almost grim inevitability, our government has chosen the wrong course of action and it has cost many lives.

The record of psychiatrists in assessing such characters is utterly lamentable.
Photo. Broadmoor.

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