Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dr Alan Clifford.

Perhaps we forget that the Gospel is not designed to be delivered apologetically. You may care to peruse the extract below from Dr Clifford and compare to the attitudes displayed in your own church. I leave you to it and make no comment.

As a Christian pastor, I pursue a mission which seeks the conversion of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Religiously and politically, I desire compassion for all and malice towards none.
Whether people follow the dictates of a false religion like Islam or they prefer the decadent life-style of much modern British secularism, all need the life-transforming message of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe there is simply no realistic hope for the peace and stability ofthe UK without a revival of authentic Christianity. However problematic itis to penetrate the minds of today's white secular materialists, the Islamic threat is an altogether 'mega' problem. The relatively peaceable attitude of the Muslim majority is simply a tactic on the road to eventual fulfilment of the jihadic goal of global Islam. The 'militant-moderate' distinction is ultimately meaningless. While the Government bleats about'integration', Muslims are only interested in 'domination'. Give them timeand they will achieve it. From my perspective, there is only one solution. If UK Muslims will not exchange the essentially-backward and barbaric tenets of their fanatical faith for the wonderfully soul-saving and civilising faith of Jesus Christ,they must emigrate to countries that share their outlook. For their safety's sake, I urge them to follow this advice. They must cease abusing the hospitality of our tolerant culture and, where applicable, thegenerosity of our social benefits. They must take their money, their moresand their mosques elsewhere. Otherwise, the consequences of the growing crisis in the UK will prove too dire for words. Question: Is there a specifically
biblical basis for demanding the migration of Muslims for their own safety?
Is there any biblical authority for this line of thinking?Reply: Next to an evangeIistic concern for all, I am primarily concernedfor the peace and stability of UK society (see Jer. 29: 7), which is under threat from the presence of an alien religious and political ideology. Besides the constant threat of UK-based Islamic terrorism, twofundamentally opposed cultures cannot coexist in one state without creating intolerable friction. The evil intent of global Islamic jihadism with its determination to impose shari'ah law on subject nations, makes it impossible long term for us to 'lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence' (1 Tim. 2:2). While Christians under the Roman Empire were urged to submit to theGovernment (see Rom. 13: 1-7), Islamists intend to overthrow our UK democracy. Since Islam is at war with the West, we dare not permit them to live in our midst any more than we would have tolerated the Nazi invaders.

Dr Alan C. Clifford Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church

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