Friday, October 19, 2007

A bankrupt philosophy.

That socialism has failed is now beyond all question. Undoubtedly, some adherents to that bankrupt philosophy will claim that "it has never been properly tried" but the evidence from both within and without democracies is as conclusive as it can possibly be.
It is based upon a manifestly false premise - that Man is prepared to sponsor neighbours he cannot see. That Christians could ever believe in the 'basic goodness of man' is theologically disturbing. The Gospels work from an entirely opposite viewpoint - it is called realism.
The only evidence of any limited achievements in any vaguely socialist context comes from the Jewish Kibbutzim which are not really socialist in the first place as they are relatively small, voluntary communities and even they operate to a hierarchical system which would make most lefties' toes curl up.
Those who claim that it is a 'fairer system' forget that socialism ultimately must 'rob Peter to pay Paul'.
In the USSR, we had a classic example of how socialism utterly disincentivises a society; promotes endless bureaucracy; still produces a divisive 'them and us' and festers economically. Potentially the most resource rich region on earth had third world living conditions.
Of course there are those who dare to oppose such a 'paradise on earth'. The arguments now rage as to whether Stalin murdered 50 million of his fellow citizens or was it a mere 30 million?
Margaret Thatcher once said that the only essential difference between marxism and socialism was that the former was a deadly poison and the latter just a slower version of the same.
Capitalism understands the nature of man and that is why it works. It is not always fair or reasonable or pretty but it will tend to deliver prosperity as it believes in wealth creation. Perhaps the only real success that socialism has enjoyed has been in curbing the excesses of rampant capitalism something which did not need socialism as a vehicle.It is difficult to point to the Welfare State as a success because within two decades of its inception, it had become an end in itself.

A state run apparatus is incapable of wealth creation. If you ain't got it - you can't share it!
Figures in Le Figaro about 20 years ago suggested that in the 20th Century, up to that point, socialism/marxism had caused 164 million deaths.

Sorry to harp on about Mrs Thatcher who was not always the most popular of leaders but she also said that the only reason that The Good Samaritan was able to give financial help was because he had the wherewithal to do so.
I might also ask why there is an ingrained belief that state-centred enterprise must by nature be benevolent. All human failings are still encountered in socialist administrations.


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