Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Common Purpose.

Very, very few readers will be aware of the deeply sinister group called 'Common Purpose'. It receives no publicity but "....this systematic programming of our local government officers to follow the EU system and philosophy " has now also spread its toxic tentacles throughout the Civil Service and quangos in our nation. It is an engine for EU propaganda.

It is designed to promote a kind of Orwellian euro-think in all areas of our society.

It is no accident. It undermines democracy and works to a purely EU agenda even where that directly opposes the interests of the UK.

Its 'agents' are carefully placed into all key positions; they are given authority; power and influence.

Common Purpose exposed.
Is Common Purpose just a charity or is it a front for a more sinister government/EU organisation?
Come and hear and see the evidence that Brian Garish has uncovered about this organisation – be prepared for the unbelievable.
Thursday 15 Nov 2007 commencing 7.00pm.
Macdonald Albrighton Hall Hotel, Ellesmere Road,
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3AG. Tel. 01939 291000

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
