So the BBC is to make 10% cuts in its workforce. Naturally enough, its workers are up in arms and strangely it seems that BBC News may take the biggest hammering.
Let us pause and take stock.
This is an organisation which has just spent £1.2million on a 'rebranding exercise', one which pays £6 million pounds a year to the useless Jonathan Ross and has paid astronomical figures to Terry Wogan for his remarkable skill of managing to appear genial.
It is only right of course that people who can read should receive high 6 figure salaries as is the case with their TV newscasters.
This is an organisation where blacks, Asians, women and homosexuals are all now over represented and yet the Beeb still pours money into its 'Equal Opportunities' section. One wonders whether this spends its time simply doing nothing or whether it is attempting to reduce the percentages of these 4 named groups.
As a government and EU sponsored organisation, naturally enough it is riddled with penpushers and bureaucrats.
I am only scratching the surface here. Give me six months and I could slash the cost of a TV licence, create better programmes and make the Beeb more like its once proud self.
The BBC's solution is to sack people at the sharp end and play more repeats. I despair!
Congratulations to local radio which has gradually become the BBC's flagship when operating with only a tiny fraction of their budget.
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Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...