Saturday, October 20, 2007

Human rights or con trick?

This act was initially a British creation designed to give a framework for basic human rights in the freed countries of post war Europe.
As a magistrate I had the opportunity to compare the original and the current some seven years ago and the two were largely unrecognisable as the one coming from the other.
The Act had been manipulated to give it a leftwing, liberal slant.
As a consequence today, gypsies may freely squat on other people's property; jailbirds have established free 'rights' to have pornography and in the case of addicts, drugs.
In addition there are extended rights for plane hijackers and those such as the killer of Head Teacher Philip Lawrence. These examples are just a tiny selection from amongst countless injustices.
Rights trump responsibilities and are granted to the individual against their government with no thoughts as to the consequences for society in general.
It may not be directly a part of the EU but is one more abomination foisted onto the longsuffering British voters by that deadly duo, our quisling politicians and the eurocrats.
This appalling Act, ill-developed over half a century, undermines our legal system which has evolved to meet our needs since the time of Henry the Second and even before.
It must be excised. [Perhaps 'exorcised' would have been a better choice of word!]


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