Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Simple meets simplistic meets cunning.

Every now and again, the liberal left produce a piece of logic which is a real purler.
Back in the 1960s, it was claimed that the 1967 Abortion Act was necessary to prevent backstreet abortions which could injure, damage fertility and even on occasions, kill. [A recent film has even glamourised a 'noble' amateur abortionist who 'just oozed compassion.']
May I point out a slight flaw in the logic? These women were only in that position because they had opted to take an illegal course of action.
Claims of desperation may not be used as an excuse for theft, murder, rape and arson. These crimes are not then legitimised , regularised and legalised because there are consequences for the perpetrators. So how does this work with illegal abortions?
It is no use simpletons like Lib Dem David Steel, co-founder of the original act, pretending that 'nobody could have predicted how it would all turn out'.
Today we have about 3,000 late term abortions annually in the UK and a further 200,000 earlier abortions.
David Steel really couldn't have predicted the effective emergence of 'abortion on demand', eh?
Funny that because my Dad who left school with a basic education aged 14 in 1938 was able to predict precisely that.
Yet again the liberal left conned people into thinking that 'a wrong was being righted' and that they had no other agenda.
I wouldn't mind but how many times have the PC crew actually been proved correct when one of their hobby horse dreams turns into reality? - Not many, I can assure you!

Read Psalm 94.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
