Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hard shoulders.

So, government ministers are supporting the use of M Way hard shoulders to ease traffic congestion.
Experiments on the M40 have apparently been quite successful. It has been stated from on high that traffic flow had improved, journeys completed faster, absurdly low average speeds had increased and pollution was thereby reduced.
Perhaps we can extrapolate from this?
Why do so-called greens insist on curbing roadbuilding? Clearly, all the above advantages would apply - and surely they must be impressed when pollution falls, shouldn't they?
Admittedly this means more land going under tarmac but the benefits of motorways and bypasses are startling. In a country with fewer motorway miles per million vehicles than any other country in W. Europe, we can hardly be surprised at current chaos and pollution levels..
Greens claim that reducing waiting times on car journeys might encourage more people to drive. Proof? AND if their claim were correct, it is hard to see it as being anything above negligible. There is still the need to look at the bigger picture.
FACT. It is not the number of cars owned which is significant. FACT. It is not even the number of journeys taken which matters most. FACT. It is the number of vehicles which are travelling and the amount of TIME they are on the roads which matters. Traffic flow is therefore the key. We need better traffic management and sufficient roads.
For cities, effective Park & Ride schemes for those coming from outside the city must become a must.
As for using hard shoulders as a cheap alternative to roadbuilding - I say no! The motorist has paid for those routes many times over and deserves to have them.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?