DISCLAIMER: I include the doctored article below by Ian Drury but must state that I do so, not with the intention of hurting or offending any Moslem nor it is an attack on them, their beliefs or their lives.
I put it here because it is simply impossible for us as a society to distinguish between those who are happy to be British and those who support terror acts or islamic takeover of this nation.
Under that perspective - I feel that it is perfectly correct and reasonable to include this to show up the utter stupidity of the liberal left.
EXPLANATION. I print below an article published in the Dail Mail today but have substituted Nazis for Moslem…..The article talks of Government attempts to ‘reach out’ to young Moslems. One wonders if Moslem youngsters want to be ‘reached out’ to of course - and what about all the other suffering ‘Communities’ in the UK in need of ‘Reaching Out’? Meanwhile, read this article and consider your impressions a while……..
Ministers recruit young Nazis as advisers in latest bid to combat Aryan extremism. By Ian Drury: Young Hitler Jugend will act as advisers to Communities Secretary Hazel Blears. Twenty young Hitler Youth are to become personal advisers to three Cabinet ministers in an attempt by the Government to tackle Islamic extremism.
Labour says the group, aged 16 to 25, will keep Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham and Schools Secretary Ed Balls in touch with the mood of German youths.
Ministers hope that listening to and addressing concerns that affect Nazis could ease tensions in multi-cultural communities and cut the risk of them becoming radicalised by Party recruiters and SS leaders.
The Young Nazi Advisory Group, to be launched in October, will also work with Arts Council England and Sport England.
The aim is see how cultural and sporting opportunities, such as the use of football tournaments or music gigs, can reduce tensions within different communities.
Miss Blears said: 'Ensuring young Nazis have access to constructive, democratic channels for dealing with concerns is crucial to our efforts to build communities that are resilient to extremist messages.
'We need to equip young Nazis to take the lead in challenging prejudice and preconceptions both within their own communities and in wider society.
'The Young Nazi Advisory group is about identifying the next generation of Aryan community leaders and providing a platform to speak out on issues that are important to them.'
Since June, more than 150 applications have been received and over the next few days the prospective advisers, who are all aged between 16 and 25, will take part in discussions and workshops to test their suitability.
The Young Nazi Advisory Group aims to give Cabinet ministers a first-hand understanding of the issues that affect young Aryans, including the risk of extremism, employment opportunities and education.
It will also try to get young Nazis’ messages across in the media, promote role models and mentoring and 'build the capacity of young people, in terms of skills, knowledge and confidence, to counter the extremist ideology'.
One of the first tasks of the group will be to organise a national youth conference to discuss the challenges facing young German/British Aryans over the next few years.
The Government has been attempting to engage Britain's German communities, especially in the wake of the July 7 terror bombings in London which murdered 52 innocent people.
Ministers recently announced £12.5 million for German Aryan communities to fund projects which aim to 'undermine extremist ideology'. Nazi traditions and values in compulsory citizenship lessons.
Another measure will see Nazi children being taught citizenship lessons by Nazi leaders in Aryan schools in the hope they will be better equipped to resist violent extremist messages.
The Department for Communities and Local Government said the personal advisers would not be paid but would be allowed to claim expenses for any costs they might incur, such as travel or overnight accommodation.
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Son of Hamas leader becomes a Christian.

The son of one of the most revered leaders of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas has renounced his religion to move to America and become an evangelical Christian.
Mosab Hassan Yousef, 30, said that his decision to abandon his Muslim faith and denounce his father's organisation had exposed his family to persecution in his home town of Ramallah and endangered his own life.
But despite the cost, Mr Yousef told The Daily Telegraph that he is convinced that speaking out about the problems of Islam and the 'evil' he witnessed back home would help to address the 'messed-up situation' in the Middle East and one day bring about peace and enable him to return. 'I'm not afraid of them, especially as I know that I'm doing the right thing, and I don't see them as my enemies,' he said. 'I do think about this a lot. But what are they going to do? Are they going to kill me? 'If they want to kill me, let them do it. I'm not going to stop anyone. It's going to be my freedom. 'My soul's going to be free of my body, not flesh any more.'
Daily Telegraph.
Great hymns.
Friday, August 29, 2008
All day opening is working well.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Extrapolation required!

Presumably he will now lend support to the restoration of grammar schools by extending his perfectly logical thinking to education!

But to add insult to injury, they chose to write to me and address me by my first name! [And of course, getting it wrong by talking to me in the full form which I only use on official documents!]
For precisely how long have we been friends or work colleagues?
I am entitled to a polite MR, if you please.
I do not want nurses, computer helplines, sales staff, banks et al failing to address me politely without me offering that privilege. Neither should they put me on the spot by asking for permission to do so!
It is appalling that social workers, respite care staff and care workers who visit my home to deal with my 87 year old Mum automatically address her by her first name.
It troubles me - so how it must bug those who come from a more respectful generation!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
An organisation we do not need.
"The world’s largest and most inclusive fellowship of churches is 60 this weekend. Officially formed on 23 August 1948, the World Council of Churches (WCC) has grown from 147 churches and denominations in 44 countries to 349 churches in over 110 countries and territories."
For 'inclusive' - read 'liberal!'
For 'inclusive' - read 'liberal!'
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Emma Bovary.

The nineteenth century book examines how a young wife explores what she is; pursues her own goals; develops an independent spirit and gives free rein to her sexuality.
In so many ways this revolutionary, nineteenth century novel anticipates the feminism which was to develop between then and the present day. [It is certainly a bible for sixth formers who are taking their first steps into the feminist abyss.]
The novel is, in essence, a study in selfishness; something which would become a template for so much of the destructive behaviour in today's society.
Emma Bovary shuns all convention - but conventions are not always wrong - they develop for sound social purposes.
An abandonment of duty and social responsibility must never be what libertarian thinking is about.
The leftwing version of libertarian philosophy is based on the apparent reasonableness of the 'if it itches then scratch it' types of thinking.
We must 'all do our own thing' but it is no great surprise that this cuts right across the greater needs of society.
It is not without irony that the left tries to create dictatorial societies in which individuals are granted licence to engage in irresponsible conduct.
This contradiction is one more reason why socialism is ultimately destined always to fail.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Check it out!

1] Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2] Remove your laptop and open it.
3] Start up.
4] Make sure the annoying guy can clearly see the screen.
5] Close your eyes and tilt your head up to the sky - take a very deep breath
6] Open the following web address: http://tinyurl.com/34fzpf
No. You MUST check!
Where are our bearings?

management of the economy was even worse than it is now, compounded by the fact that a number of marxist run trade unions were totally out of control, a conversation about bearings made me get mine!
When a local business owner was asked why he was not expanding his incredibly successful business which manufactured bearings, he made an interesting response.
He pointed out that he could sell every single product he made and export them all; he could double or treble the size of his business; he could employ many more people; he could aid the economy.
I suspect that this man was, by and large, contented as he was but he pointed out that there was simply nothing in it for him!
He was already working long hours, undergoing all the stresses of running a business and beginning to export on top would just add to the hassle in his life and taxation ensured that it could not be worth his while financially.
Socialists should be forced to read this and weep! - Or at least made to think!
Here is a man able to create a number of good jobs and who chooses not to do so because the left have wanted to tax him into the ground. These petty-minded people have won as they have maliciously ensured that he will not be permitted to earn good money. How delighted they must have been BUT - what of all those jobs that never existed? What was the cost?
One useful definition of socialism: 'A group of people who delight in holding back the whole of society so they may act spitefully against those of whom they disapprove!'
The UN: a sinister agenda?

August 24, 2008
A Closer Look at 'Sustainable Development.'
What else is not sustainable under the terms of sister documents the Rio Accords and the Global Bio-Diversity Assessment Report? In their own words:
• Private property is not sustainable,
• Nor are golf courses and ski lodges;
• Irrigation, monotheism, commercial agriculture and the family unit are apparently not “sustainable.”
Is the United Nations committed to eliminating private ownership of land and natural resources?
The 1976 Habitat I Conference Report stated that; “Private land ownership is also principally an instrument of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.”
LINK: http://www.newswithviews.com/Shaw/michael118.htm
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Shock news: Bible say 'there is no God!'

Let us look at Psalm 14 verse 1, for example:
King James Bible "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Death duties.

In so many ways this typifies socialist attitudes:
It demonstrates a belief that you, their target, are some sort of milch cow.
It indicates that they have a belief that 'your money is actually their money'.
It pivots on a slight variant of the nineteenth century philosophy of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book that 'property is theft'.
The arrogant subtext is "We can spend your money better than you can."
It hinges on the 'politics of envy'.
It is based on the resentment of the average socialist that anybody might possess more money than they do.
*** It needs to be made very clear at this point that death duties will not affect any sums that I might inherit in the future. So I have no personal axe to grind in this matter.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Doncaster - the new San Francisco.

"War veterans who had to abandon plans for a parade after a lack of official support are furious that councillors gave their backing to other marches.
Councillors in Doncaster were involved in a gay pride march at the weekend. And dignitaries were the focal point of the annual civic parade.
But when the Royal British Legion approached officials, they were told their event could not be staged because of a 'lack of amenities'. "
Councillors in Doncaster were involved in a gay pride march at the weekend. And dignitaries were the focal point of the annual civic parade.
But when the Royal British Legion approached officials, they were told their event could not be staged because of a 'lack of amenities'. "
Doncaster Free Press.
Lying - the default position.

In schools, as a majority of teachers will testify and in particular those older staff whose careers have coincided with the decline, pupils lie through their teeth. It is now standard!
In days gone by a teacher would perhaps only mistrust the word of a few pupils in any group. Lying was not the done thing and honest admissions of wrongdoing would almost always be forthcoming when a child was caught out.
In our sick world, the equivalent pupil will lie and pile further lies on top of the original one until a fabrication of utter absurdity emerges. This is a daily occurrence.
If teachers expect support from the parents - they will be sadly disappointed as a great many parents will support their child in a lie - often the very ones who are always demanding 'more discipline' - but that of course, does not and should not apply to their own family.
Tragically, in addition, a number of parents who would never dream of lying to a teacher themselves will swallow garbage from their offspring, hook, line and sinker and then lend the little liar their total support and belief.
The amount of times I have heard "My child doesn't lie" makes my heart sink.
Parents lie about absences, medical appointments, homework that has not been handed in; they protect their truanting offspring with untruths, they make lame excuses and unbelievably will take the word of a mendacious child when that youngster has been caught redhanded by a teacher!
The left have overseen the outrageous decline in discipline in this nation and have poured scorn on concepts such as duty and decency - all against a backcloth of doing their utmost to undermine Christianity.
What else could have been expected?
And please do not think that Christian schools escape all of this. They may not have the problem quite as badly - but it is certainly there and not just with those from non-Christian backgrounds!
Mendacity, in my view, acts as a social barometer.
Are you as concerned as I am?
Friday, August 22, 2008
'Racism' - a meaningless word.

This means that I try incredibly hard to be fair; I want to see justice and gave up a portion of my life and free time to be a JP in a failed attempt to help bring this about.
I do not care for excuses, special pleading, 'positive discrimination' and so-called 'equality of outcome'. I am not selective about attacking white regimes and ignoring black as is the case with the liberal left.
I oppose the NBPA and similar for reasons which will be evident to all rational people.
I am not in favour of any immigration which is not provably beneficial to these overcrowded islands.
According to the politically correct then, this makes me a racist.
Now that this word has changed meaning entirely, what neologism will have to be coined to describe those who hate, despise and discriminate against others on the grounds of what they are so that we might actually know what is meant?
Shame on you!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obituary: the father of political correctness?

The MP for Pontypool will be best remembered for being the driving force behind the decriminalising of homosexuality; wedding a Polish woman 50 years his junior and liberalising divorce law grounds to 'the irretrievable breakdown of marriage'.
Well-intentioned he may have been but he set us onto the slippery slope which has produced that catastrophic mess we inhabit today which we call society.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Education, education, education?
"Between 1998 - the year after Labour came to power - and 2007, 1.75 million children left school without a single C grade in any subject.
The figure is expected to rise to 1.9 million when this year's results are released on Wednesday, and on current trends it will pass two million by 2009. "
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1047093/Two-million-pupils-fail-decent-GCSE-Labour.html
The figure is expected to rise to 1.9 million when this year's results are released on Wednesday, and on current trends it will pass two million by 2009. "
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1047093/Two-million-pupils-fail-decent-GCSE-Labour.html
Who then can be saved?

I had loosely remarked that the Scriptures teach that 'Salvation can be acquired by all.'
The response from one lad was immediately to ask, "What about Hitler, Sir?"
This brings us into the same territory mentioned in the Blog entry on Myra Hindley. The simple truth is that we cannot know.
There are perhaps three areas we may consider however:
1) Jesus appears to say in Mark 14 verse 21 that Judas cannot repent: "The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born."
2) There is clearly no repentance possible for Lucifer, the fallen angel of light and
3) Hebrews 6: 4 states: " For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance .... "
So the betrayer, the fallen one and certain types of backslider may not be able to repent.
Cutting across this is the problem of evil as opposed to sin. Evil is always sin but is sin always evil? - I do not think so.
Consider when Jesus tells us in Mark that there is an 'unpardonable sin' and that it consists of 'blasphemy against the Holy Spirit' - the context of that remark was when The Holy Spirit in Jesus was recognised by His accusers as being Beelzebub, the prince of demons.
They were incapable of discernment. They had committed evil. From this it would seem that seeing 'good as evil' and/or 'evil as good' is the distinction.
In other words, committing the sin is a sin. Committing the sin then claiming it is 'good' has crossed the line.
[This is largely why evangelicals are so concerned about liberal churches attempting to legitimise the sin of homosexuality. It is not merely sin to do so.]
I am certain that sinners can all be saved. That is why Jesus died.
For those who are truly evil, I am not so sure that they will have anything within them that would allow them to repent and be saved.
That is my personal opinion.
In Mark 10 however, we find out that "To God ALL things are possible."
Simple answer? - I'm not sure that there is one.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Leftwing double standards.
Those of you old enough to remember apartheid will remember the urgent and incessant leftwing campaigns designed to turn the racist regime in S. Africa into an international pariah.
Good. Here are people of honesty and integrity you thought at the time - at least until you asked the uncomfortable questions.
I got out a globe and with little effort spotted 24 countries, mostly but not exclusively marxist-based, which had regimes which were more repressive than the S. African one.
It is at such times when you realise that the left are extremely selective where evil regimes are concerned. Their double standards are appalling.
Consider for one moment what the attitude of the left would be if the racism in Zimbabwe today were to be white against black. QED.
I'm sorry all you lefties out there but WRONG IS WRONG and EVIL IS EVIL. Anybody who advocates selectively targeting regimes is the purest of hypocrites!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1046576/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Why-havent-Left-got-Georgia-minds.html
Good. Here are people of honesty and integrity you thought at the time - at least until you asked the uncomfortable questions.
I got out a globe and with little effort spotted 24 countries, mostly but not exclusively marxist-based, which had regimes which were more repressive than the S. African one.
It is at such times when you realise that the left are extremely selective where evil regimes are concerned. Their double standards are appalling.
Consider for one moment what the attitude of the left would be if the racism in Zimbabwe today were to be white against black. QED.
I'm sorry all you lefties out there but WRONG IS WRONG and EVIL IS EVIL. Anybody who advocates selectively targeting regimes is the purest of hypocrites!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1046576/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Why-havent-Left-got-Georgia-minds.html
Fat cats.

It thinks that there is a 'set cake' which is divided either equally or unequally between all members of society.
The truth is that the 'cake' is actually flexible and the size depends utterly on the level of effort introduced by wealth creators and investors. It is called capitalism and has been proved to work but it is political anathema to the left. It offends both their philosophies and their sensibilities.
If taxes are raised on those who are on P.A.Y.E., then certainly revenues can be increased at the risk of alienating almost the entire middle class. Is it really so necessary to target the Head of a large Comprehensive who is earning £80k? Precisely what is achieved except that more deputies cannot see why they should bother to pursue headships?
But then of course, these are not the targets of the left and ironically neither are the £90k bureaucrats, the Council Heads, the top Civil Servants, the quangocrats - so often their own high profile supporters.
They do not mind a local GP being on an average £110k a year and of course most support MPs in their struggles to exist on a pittance.
No. The targets are always people in business; wealth creators; company directors; employers; would-be employers; entrepreneurs and producers. The pretence of course, is always that they only have in their sights those who profit excessively from investments and that tiny group on company boards who enjoy sinecures.
It is all the old class warfare and balderdash. I have met a number of wealthy men and - sorry - but not one has fitted the profile of having their brutal heel on the neck of the downtrodden wage slave. It is largely a pre-victorian fantasy; the product of a belief system which circumstances has rendered outmoded and puerile. It sounds good to the sixth former who has been at the mercy of a politically biased teacher of history, economics or politics,[in my own case, the indoctrination came in English lessons.]
The targets are a nation's lifeblood; the very people who can be persuaded by punitive taxation not to: invest, nor employ, nor export, nor enlarge their enterprises. These are the very people who may take their business out of this country completely or fail to invest. Why invest if there is a prospect of having your gains be the subject of unreasonable taxation? Why not simply take your funds to a more investor friendly nation?
How foolish to target such people because they make a good living and your socialist dogma tells you to hate them for earning £200k a year when at the same time you keep fairly silent about Frank Lampard earning 50% more than that in a FORTNIGHT playing football at Chelsea!
The fact that voters have taken socialism seriously for so long is a bit of a joke but it doesn't make me laugh.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Evil exposed by Chris Booker.

Judge Neil McKittrick imposed fines and costs on the three men totalling £104,000. In addition, at the instigation of the Marine and Fisheries Agency, he levied confiscation orders on their assets totalling £213,000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act, originally designed to recover the illegal profits of drug dealers!
If the men cannot pay within six months, they face two years in prison, even though this is far more than they can raise without selling their homes and their boats - none of them the "proceeds of crime".
OKAY. Brutal sentencing. So just imagine what this judge will do to REAL criminals, eh? - Er. Yes.
Judge McKittrick's shows severity in this case and seeming leniency in a string of others - as when a paedophile and a sub-postmaster who had stolen £15,000 were given only suspended sentences, while a thug who had seriously injured a 76-year old pensioner was sent to prison for only six months.
JUSTICE? - But you see, the fishermen had upset the European Union - and that just cannot be! Foul crimes against people and society are a much more trivial matter. AND note how the law is abused to get the required result. Well done to the excellent Chris Booker for exposing this appalling miscarriage of justice in The Sunday Telegraph.
Still these men could perhaps appeal to the European Court - Oh well. Perhaps not!
Uncommon purpose.

It is difficult to comprehend the enormity of the corruption, deceit, fraud and treachery that Common Purpose and New Labour have engaged in since before 1997."
Please. You have seen the article on this Blog by Rodney Atkinson. Do not get bored by all of this - that is the attitude that these people are hoping for. The roots may or may not be as marxist as suggested above and in the link but this is not 'conspiracy theory'. It IS the mechanism for a takeover of all UK institutions by stealth; an Orwellian nightmare.
VITAL Link: http://www.stopcp.com/index.php
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bahai Faith.

The definition of a 'liberal' remains: "One who embraces his destroyer."
Bahai Faith, invented in Persia in the nineteenth century by Bahá'u'lláh, lends itself to this as it promulgates such ideas.
To my great concern, my personal spy tells me that Bahai Faith is making great strides in Chinese universities where the slight opening of spiritual doors means that some will find an unfortunate and undiscriminating attraction to any old passing cult.
Link; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1
A government sponsored mess.

In opposition, Blair's phonies decried this iniquitous policy but then used it themselves when they took power!
The numbers today are DOUBLE what they were at the start of the Major government in 1990 and poor old Gordon is perhaps finally beginning to recognise that this is unsustainable into the future. Removing so many from the work force also had the side effect of further encouraging unnecessary immigration.
Taxpayers are happy funding the genuine but you have to be of a strange, Roy Jenkins-type mindset to want to support those who are not.
The 'extras' consist of those with temporary ailments who remained on the lists when better, malingerers, those with relatively trivial conditions - and now, many who have grown into forming part of the benefit culture. All of these before we take into account those who had no medical problem in the first place. Somehow I doubt that the nation is 100% more unwell than it used to be.
The professionally unemployed were happy to conspire with governments as they got a better deal. The root of the problem is that so very many conditions are not readily detectable. There is no straightforward way to divide sheep from goats.
I would expect the genuine cases to be extremely resentful of those who are not - and even more antagonistic towards the governments responsible.
Okay. We have a problem Houston and one which can be easily remedied by investigating every case on the lists. OH DEAR BUT, in order to implement this plan, you will have to put ALL of the genuine people under fear, distress and pressure just because over 18 years, governments have tried to con the electorate.
And of course, in our politically correct age, there will be minority groups who will avoid being targeted altogether in the coming purges as leftwing lawyers will immediately 'play the race card'.
[If you know me personally, ask and I shall tell you of other situations known to me where this kind of rank unfairness has occurred.]
So how do you unravel it all in a fair and just manner? - It beats me!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Let's all vote for what we do not want!

Admittedly, our FPTP voting system lends itself to peculiarities and bizarre outcomes - not least of which that governments can be elected on achieving fewer votes than the party which comes second!
Nonetheless, what is inexcusable is to vote for what you do not want or out of ignorance. Very large amounts of Liberal Democrat voters do not know what the party - certainly on the national level - actually supports. If they did ....
There is a perception that "The Lib Dems are the middle ground between Labour and the Tories, well aren't they?" - Er, no! They are currently the most leftwing of the three principal parties.
Many voters - and yes even some members - do not truly grasp what they are getting.
The people for whom this party really is 'the promised land' nationally are the head-in-the-clouds, ivory tower, leftwing, angst-driven academics and trendy lawyers whose grasp on political realities is restricted to bourgeois, dinner party solutions to complex problems.
Surprisingly,on the local level they have some very good councillors - although admittedly these are only a small minority.
In Sheffield, voting Labour is like an illness which passes genetically through the generations.
The Labour vote for many tens of thousands in the city is simply automatic. Such people can hardly find a policy to agree with and it matters not what else is on offer, Labour will get that vote come what may. Opinions are ingrained - entrenched even.
Converse with a local Labour voter over the fence and you will agree on nearly everything you talk about. That same person will then cast their vote for a party which offers them virtually nothing as a matter of course.
The traditional Conservative voter however has simply been disenfranchised. The tories have moved so far to the left, they can reasonably be represented as a party of the centre left under Cameron.
This has the merit of appealing to the guardianistas who infest the media - particularly in broadcasting. Consequently, they get 'a better press' than before.
Tory voters either stay at home on election day or continue to vote Conservative in the vain hope that 'something will change'.
The average tory MP could move to become Labour or Lib Dem and from a policy point of view, would hardly notice the difference!
The electorate get a raw deal from their politicians, certainly, but if we are honest, a massive amount of our troubles are self inflicted. It is rightly said that "A nation gets the politicians it deserves." If we do not vote against the immoral, the grabbers, the politically correct and the parties they represent - we do get all we deserve. the same can be said if we do not engage our brains before voting.
How many people vote Green in the belief that they are a group of 'nice folks who are perhaps a bit soft but they do care for the planet'?
How many know that the Greens are a party which attracts the rejects of marxism?
How many people have actually studied their policies, I wonder? It would be interesting how many would vote for them if they were to read up on their crime policies alone. Believe me - their vote would plummet.
At one point they actually advocated disenfranchising voters for disagreeing with them on certain policies!
UKIP is a very ordinary party with plenty of failings - but most of those are down to simple human weaknesses.
On the policy front, they will appeal to all who are not philosophically left of centre and yet many of leftwing persuasions join the party as the best means to try to combat the excesses of the European Union - which sadly, so many voters are yet to recognise as the biggest issue in modern politics. Why, you ask? - Because its insidious influence underpins action on all the other policies which are dear to people's hearts.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Neither left nor right extremes, thanks.
Ah. Those paragraphs.
Well. I appear to have sorted out my paragraph problem. Thanks Daniel and Ray for your efforts.
I actually found a setting operation which was the root of the problem.
Trouble is that there are now massive gaps all over the archives where I had attempted to 'beat the system by adding countless spaces. The gaps can now be seen.
Not to worry!
I actually found a setting operation which was the root of the problem.
Trouble is that there are now massive gaps all over the archives where I had attempted to 'beat the system by adding countless spaces. The gaps can now be seen.
Not to worry!
David Lammy

David Lammy said an entire generation is growing up with inadequate male role models, unable to control their own emotions, and seeing crime as a short cut to wealth and power.
The dangerous crisis in masculine 'self-image' is not just confined to working-class estates, he added.
'There are also children in Middle Britain whose parents become strangers in a culture of long working hours,' he said.
'Boys, young men and grown men are struggling to find their place in society.'
Mr Lammy, a junior minister at the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, said far too many young men have 'unhealthy attitudes towards sex, money and violence'.
A 'bling culture' and a collapse of responsible fatherhood means some are being lured into gang and knife culture."
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1044649/Senior-black-MP-impassioned-lament-self-image-crisis-young-men-seduced-bling-crime.html
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some years ago, I went to the now defunct, Congregational Church in Killamarsh, Derbyshire with my old Pastor, Harry Webb.
I had arranged the date and he asked me to lead the service for him but we had no communication about what each other would do or say in the meeting. I felt led to Exodus.
I stood up and opened the meeting with a reading from Exodus 15:2.
'The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.'
Imagine how zapped I was when Mr Webb stood up and the text of his sermon was .... Well. I reckon that you are probably way ahead of me!
All just one more amongst the countless, strange coincidences which affect the lives of those who live close to the Lord.
Amnesty Int.

Okay - they get it right sometimes with Burma and Tibet - but it would be difficult to be wrong always.
Time after time they manage unerringly to take the 'wrong' side in any situation where they become involved. Their support for the 'unworthy' is noted.
They really would be the first to whinge if a policeman who was armed were to shoot somebody during a violent arrest. But now they are standing up against tazers - which have lent some limited protection to officers when apprehending the violent without the need to kill them.
Would these appalling people care to attempt an arrest on somebody wielding a butchers' knife without realistic protection as my father once had to do in the days before such technology existed? - No. Rather thought not!
Yes, I know - their main aim is to abolish torture. Fine. But unfortunately, they seem to embrace every liberal left cause in the process.
Please do not give them any of your money.
Sallah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

His country wants to hang him, and this could happen within the next few months. Sallah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is a Bangladeshi journalist, publisher and peace activist who has left the fold of Jew hatred and Muslim supremacy that is infecting his country in recent years. For that, he is accused of ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘hurting the image of Islam.’
Please pray for him and also to open the eyes of his abusers.
LINK: http://www.israelenews.com/view.asp?ID=2852
Coffee anyone?

ASDA is currently selling a 454 gram pack of its EVERYDAY blend at just £1-61. This is the equivalent of two ordinary packets. It is strength 3 and packed with flavour.
Something of real quality for an exceptionally low price.
Having lived in Spain, I feel that I have particularly high standards in this (limited) field.
This is a real bargain.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Perspectives and tongues located in cheeks.
Positive discrimination is wrong!

Almost one in three - 29 per cent - said they now expected to be treated worse than other races by key public services.
And the number of whites claiming to have been refused a job or discriminated against at work for reasons of race has doubled in the last five years, according to the Government study."
I would think that this study is quite possibly true. As both described and predicted on this Blog, this is almost certainly a result of those twin evils - POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION and EQUALITY OF OUTCOME.
The former is a joke. If you discriminate in favour of one person in the workplace, common sense dictates that you must be discriminating against somebody else.
The latter is an impossibility as it means you must have a pre-determined outcome in mind - and who is to say that that will be just? The chances are slim.
In both cases, better people will be ditched, rejected, held back in their careers because they happen to be white - and the liberal left think that this is a good thing.
The only fair society is one based on MERIT! If this then results in all promotions going to non whites - then so be it!
The 'quota systems' for promotions, so loved in the Civil Service, is divisive and patently unfair. Similar systems clearly exist throughout other government agencies.
This MUST stop. The 'best person for the job' MUST be the sole criterion.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1043717/One-whites-claim-victims-official-racism.html
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Jefferson - again!
Bail abuse.
In 2006, almost 65,000 violent crime suspects were freed on bail, four out of every five arrested by police.
It is estimated that two murders a week are being committed by criminals released on bail.
The Ministry of Justice has admitted, following a request under freedom of information laws, that in January of this year, 13 per cent of defendants charged with murder were on bail, as were a startling 85 per cent of manslaughter suspects.
Courts are under increasing pressure to use bail because of chronic prison overcrowding. Only one in ten are immediately sent to jail. Almost half are let off with a fine, with the average amount just £61.07.
The man-of-Straw "defending" judges and magistrates said yesterday: 'These must be independent judicial decisions based on the law as it is, and they do so to a very high standard.'
HYPOCRITE! His government has interfered non stop with the independence of the Magistracy to my personal knowledge as a former JP. Most magistrates would happily jail bail bandits but the iniquitous 'guidelines' do not permit it!
It is estimated that two murders a week are being committed by criminals released on bail.
The Ministry of Justice has admitted, following a request under freedom of information laws, that in January of this year, 13 per cent of defendants charged with murder were on bail, as were a startling 85 per cent of manslaughter suspects.
Courts are under increasing pressure to use bail because of chronic prison overcrowding. Only one in ten are immediately sent to jail. Almost half are let off with a fine, with the average amount just £61.07.
The man-of-Straw "defending" judges and magistrates said yesterday: 'These must be independent judicial decisions based on the law as it is, and they do so to a very high standard.'
HYPOCRITE! His government has interfered non stop with the independence of the Magistracy to my personal knowledge as a former JP. Most magistrates would happily jail bail bandits but the iniquitous 'guidelines' do not permit it!
Riyadh ul Haq

The left insists that we should not be islamophobic. That literally means of course, 'afraid of muslims'.
In general, I am not.
I make no apologies whatsoever for being afraid of people of this man's ilk, however.
The Blasted Heath.

Cast your eyes onto the odious ... the egregious .... the mendacious .... the ineffective .....the totally dripping wet ... the treasonous Edward Heath.
There is a good article in the link below to capture the 'social charms and grace' of this man but it is really in the comments below that, where his failings are perhaps best highlighted.
LINK: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2008/06/07/do0709.xml
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sell by dates.

As children, our systems should get used to 'a bit of muck' and the immune system then kicks in at full power. Well, it makes sense to me.
If we extrapolate from this however, might there not be a similar claim made where sell by dates on food are concerned?
If we never eat anything which is a little bit 'on the turn', could this mean again that our immune systems are not firing on full power?
'Not guilty' does not necessarily mean 'innocent'.
Stephen Downing's conviction for the so-called Bakewell Tart murder was overturned but apparently he admitted to the crime after release.
The Guildford Four won their freedom on what many still believe to be a technicality - mainly that the notes of their interrogation were not "contemporaneous".
Barry George? An acceptable prosecution case which was just not strong enough and so the overturning of his conviction was correct. Had the result been made on "The balance of probabilities" which is so often the benchmark in civil cases then ....
Judith Ward had presented herself to the police and confessed to the 1974 coach bombing on the M62.
In a free society one must bend over backwards in criminal cases to be fair about convictions - and we do!
I make no comment about the guilt or innocence of the above but clearly not guilty verdicts and convictions overturned as 'unsafe' do not necessarily represent innocence and yet some are far too quick to equate the two.
In many such high profile cases the 'technicality' becomes the true bugbear.
The Guildford Four won their freedom on what many still believe to be a technicality - mainly that the notes of their interrogation were not "contemporaneous".
The Birmingham Six? The court of inquiry found that the evidence against them had been fabricated and their "confessions" beaten out of them - or so it is frequently claimed. "That's inaccurate - the Court found that SOME of the evidence against them was unreliable. Their convictions were 'unsafe' .... and as such they were freed." David Vance.
Barry George? An acceptable prosecution case which was just not strong enough and so the overturning of his conviction was correct. Had the result been made on "The balance of probabilities" which is so often the benchmark in civil cases then ....
Judith Ward had presented herself to the police and confessed to the 1974 coach bombing on the M62.
In a free society one must bend over backwards in criminal cases to be fair about convictions - and we do!
I make no comment about the guilt or innocence of the above but clearly not guilty verdicts and convictions overturned as 'unsafe' do not necessarily represent innocence and yet some are far too quick to equate the two.
In many such high profile cases the 'technicality' becomes the true bugbear.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

She was part of a group 'remembering the Japanese dead' in the first nuclear holocaust at Hiroshima.
But where is the group remembering my uncle butchered by the Japanese?
Does she really believe that the imperialistic Japanese were prepared to negotiate in Manchuria and all of the other places they brutalised?
"Excuse me miss. I am going to rape you and give you over into a soldiers' brothel when I have finished.
If you object, I shall beat you to death with a rifle butt.
That is my stance. Incidentally miss, what is YOUR negotiating position?"
Being judgemental?

“How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:4 NIV) ...
This verse clearly refers to hypocrisy and reminds us too that we are all sinners.
Secondly, the subtext suggests that we must not consider ourselves to be better than others.
Even so the Scriptures require us to seek justice and to do so means that we must use our faculties to judge.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:6– 6:8)
We must tread an extremely fine line.
The militant left, atheists and the terminal politically correct recognise this problem facing Christians and so whenever a Christian speaks out against a wrong, a cry goes up claiming that the Christian is being judgemental. It is such an easy attack and of course, sometimes their arrows will find a genuine target.
What all need to grasp is that such people attack anybody speaking out against things of which they might approve as 'being judgemental'. On the other hand however, in their turn, they are utterly 'judgemental' about matters which offend their philosophies. It is hypocrisy of the deepest hue, but then, they do not have to answer to God - or so they think!
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