Monday, August 18, 2008

Uncommon purpose.

"What is Common Purpose? On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity which does leadership and networking development training. In reality, Common Purpose or, more properly, Communist Purpose, is a corrupt, subversive, secretive and sinister organisation which seeks to destroy the national identity of Britain and to destroy democracy in Britain. Common Purpose is a recruitment organisation being used to prepare the bureaucrats needed to run Britain when the country is taken over by the European Union. Common Purpose is a Marxist-led, European Union 'Trojan Horse' fifth column operation and is part of the mechanism being used by Brussels to undermine and soften up British society to pave the way for the take-over of Britain by the European Union Collective of Communist Purpose (EUCCP), also known as the European Union Police State.
It is difficult to comprehend the enormity of the corruption, deceit, fraud and treachery that Common Purpose and New Labour have engaged in since before 1997."
Please. You have seen the article on this Blog by Rodney Atkinson. Do not get bored by all of this - that is the attitude that these people are hoping for. The roots may or may not be as marxist as suggested above and in the link but this is not 'conspiracy theory'. It IS the mechanism for a takeover of all UK institutions by stealth; an Orwellian nightmare.


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