Monday, August 10, 2009

Atheism and arrogance.

The British Humanist Association has a membership of just over 5,000 and yet is being invited to 'balance out' all the many hundreds of thousands of members of Christian churches in BBC broadcasts on a rapidly increasing scale.
The group describes itself as 'egalitarian' in its aims which is of course, code for 'leftwing'.

It is stomach-churningly careful to complain only mildly over anything to do with religions other than Christianity but pitches itself into headlong attacks against the One True Faith at every opportunity.
[It is perhaps unsurprising to learn that the appalling Professor Richard Dawkins is a vice president of the BHA.]
So why do I use the word 'arrogance' in the context of this group? -
Quite simply, if I describe a dozen instances of where God has proved Himself and worked in my life as a counter to their campaign of misinformation, what will I get?
In a sickeningly condescending manner, I will either be referred to as 'a liar' or perhaps worse, 'deluded'. It will be assumed that I am incapable of rational thinking and have at best, 'misinterpreted' the 'alleged experiences'.
When you belittle my experiences on the grounds of an unsubstantiated and utterly unprovable belief system - what other word can be used?

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...