One Director of 'A' levels based in the North West told researchers "You could train a monkey to do the questions today.' ....
Last year 25.9% of 'A' levels were grade A. In 1990, just 12%."
Between 1977 and about 1988 I personally taught difficult 'A' levels. Thereafter they got considerably easier. My 'A' grades were as rare as rocking horse droppings in the first spell and every other grade in the second.
I stopped teaching 'A' level Spanish in 2002. There is no doubt that standards have deteriorated since then.
It is shameful. Those who decide 'where the lines are drawn' - under relentless pressure from on high - are letting our society down badly. Every effort is made to hide the truth - usually by complaining non stop about "undermining the fine efforts of youngsters" at the times the results come out.
LINK: http://e-edition.metro.co.uk/2009/08/17/