Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our failing NHS.

Dan Hannan the rebel tory MEP has incurred the wrath of David Cameron for daring to criticise the NHS.
Mr Hannan was joining the debate in the USA and explaining to American viewers how our system has been a disaster since its inception and should be copied under no circumstances whatsoever. He was perfectly correct, of course! It doesn't work very well.

What Dan did not do, of course, was to speak against healthcare provision by the state which is how his enemies present his case.

We have a failing system which can only deteriorate further. The 1940s model is utterly incapable of being adapted to 21st century needs.
BUT nonetheless, this crumbling edifice is above all criticism and is into 'sacred cow' territory.
It eats money and fails to deliver. Our healthcare system struggles to get into the top 30 worldwide; is apparently unreformable; is inefficient; irredeemably bureaucratic and worst of all - the money does not follow the patient but is top funded.
No political bravery from Dave Cameron then, is there? No considering the needs of the nation?
One tip Dave. Which is the most selfish and self-absorbed nation on the planet?
Which nation has the best healthcare in the world? Which nation must we eventually copy after the 'sacred cow' has been slaughtered??

The Telegraph Is Supporting Persecuted Christians.

Benny Morris The West has blinded itself  to the suffering of Middle Eastern  Christians. There is no shortage of protest for Palestinians, ...