A recent CrimeWatch showed a group of four Chinese people in London involved in an international fraud using false credit cards. £70,ooo of illegal cash and goods were found in a tiny flat and it was stated that they saw £3.5 million taken in a single week. They had been operating for a very long time!
The combined sentence for the group was a trivial 18 years. Put another way - all will be free in around 2 years from now! [The primary sentence will be halved for 'good behaviour' inside.]
The liberals and do-gooders will now claim that I want revenge. What they fail to see is that revenge is personal and retribution is neutral. I have no personal thoughts or feelings at all about these criminals in a justice context.
I wish to see the needs of both society and justice served and derisory sentenc
ing does not achieve that.

To the trial judge I award a LoonyTunesWatch coconut. To the system which spawned him - a lorryload!