Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sky News Disgrace.

I watched Sky News yesterday for the first time in aeons, hoping for a report on what had gone on with the terrible murders of two teenage boys in Sheffield, that morning.
Instead of real news, I came across a reporter who was haranguing people who supported Brexit or the Brexit Party.
Who this appalling individual was, I'm afraid that I have no idea.
He interviewed Nigel Farage and fired questions at him at machine gun speed - giving him no time to answer.
This wretched man was then seen walking away, ranting at the camera. A large portion of important viewing time was handed to this anti-democratic bigot.

We may think that the Beeb is bad but this was one of the worst pieces of bias I have ever seen on TV.

Reform UK Have Done The Job.

In the local elections, Reform UK has inflicted inestimable damage onto the Tories. Well done guys! The Tories MUST learn that if they are n...