Saturday, October 21, 2006

Aishah Azmi.

There is just one question needing to be answered in the row over the ludicrous demands of Aishah Azmi to be allowed to wear a burkah which will unquestionably interfere with her helping youngsters in class. Let us forget the absurdities of a system of employment tribunals which is even prepared to hear a case of such absurdity without awarding heavy costs against such a frivolous appeal. Let us also forget the possible £250, 000 bill which the British taxpayer may have to fund if this nonsense goes before a European Court. Let us forget that such courts should have NO jurisdiction to interfere in our affairs. Let us forget that some repugnant Cherie Blair type - sorry, Cherie Booth type - will no doubt be falling over herself to stick a boot into all our faces in 'upholding the rights of such a worthy, persecuted individual' by racing to represent her - undoubtedly pro bono. Let us forget the nasty, politically correct British Airways (whom I now boycott) which has attacked a staff member for wearing a modest cross. Let us forget all the customary double standards. Let us forget the weasel words of our politicians.

The question which MUST now be answered however, is this:- What did Aishah Azmi wear to her job interview? [I think we all know the answer to that one!]

Using your natural skill, decide which of the pictures above - ( or neither) - is of the real Aishah Azmi.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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