The real loser for the BBC was when they asked a number of priggish, self-righteous, hubris-laden, sanctimonious, europhile MEPs about UKIP - whereupon these promptly resorted to mockery. I suppose that is what you must do when your case cannot be based on argument!Their arrogance was utterly detestable and contrasted with the gentle Mr Bloom as they laughed scornfully and made it clear that anybody who dared to oppose the EU was simply barking.
This will have opened the eyes of a great many voters in the UK to the type of people we are dealing with in Brussels and Strasbourg.When these egregious MEPs became so patronising, it was not so much of UKIP as of us, the British voters, who have seen through their web of corruption and imperialistic deceits.
Update. 27/10/06. Godfrey wrote to me today to explain that the Beeb reneged on its agreement with him to major on EU issues. A considerable amount of such material was recorded and ALL abandoned. on the cutting room floor.