Saturday, October 28, 2006

John Humphrys

I am normally an admirer of the genial and thoughtful John Humphrys but his recent explanation of why he is (now) an atheist does him few favours intellectually.
In very simple terms, he is rehashing that old chestnut "How can there be a God if there is nastiness in the world?"
Where do you start? I suppose it must be pointed out to him that there is such a thing as freewill - and this has consequences.
Rather than write a lengthy essay here, I shall just state that I know God is real because I know God. I have engaged with the loving deity who has changed my life, guided me and literally worked tangible miracles too. How can Mr Humphrys gainsay that experience. However approached it becomes an overweening arrogance.
People who are genuinely searching for truth must remember: "Seek and you will find." I have never yet met anybody who has taken that step in total honesty who has failed to find God.
You see John, God is NOT an opinion but a reality to be encountered.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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