Friday, October 27, 2006

A right royal disaster.

Prince Charles just does not get it, does he? He is supposed to become Head of the Church of England and as that illustrious body attempts suicide through political correctness, instead of standing up for God and tradition, he confirms that he will insist on a multi-faith coronation.
If practising Christians are alienated - liberal Christians are of little consequence here - one more area of support for Royalty will begin to melt away; one more more nail in the coffin of a failing institution.
One thing we learn here, I suppose, The Prince of Wales cannot be a Christian. Judgemental? - No!
"By their fruits ye shall know them." Even the most cursory glance at the 10 Commandments reveals that such involvement is not on. By all means invite members of other religions to a Christian ceremony.
I wonder how many other religions dilute their beliefs by mingling with 'foreign' religions in the countries where their own is dominant?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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