Saturday, October 28, 2006

Christians who are homosexual.

The Dean of St Albans Jeffrey John has 'married' his partner Grant Holmes in a civil ceremony. The Church of England's own rules state that clergy cannot be actively homosexual but that has not stopped his own Bishop, Christopher Herbert backing the decision. This is an outrage!
The former Archbishop of York David Hope admitted his homosexual leanings and honourably and scripturally decided that he had to remain celibate - a right and proper decision.
There can be no such entity as a 'Gay Christian' movement other than one which maintains absolute celibacy.
To'celebrate being gay' is scripturally precisely the same as to 'celebrate being an adulterer' or to 'be proud to be a liar', 'glad to be a murderer' etc.
Anybody who does not understand that the Bible teaches that unrepented sin leads to hell cannot be a Christian as they have no concept of salvation. Salvation is not for all but is offered to all.
In no other area of Christianity do we 'honour' sin and we may not begin here.
What the 'gay christian' is doing is saying that their opinions are more important than God's rules. Fair enough but do not be surprised by the consequences. We all have freewill. We all sin. We all fall. Christians try to leave sin behind them not wallow in it.
What of those with homosexual tendencies - is this fair? Put simply, we all have our own cross to bear and our own temptations. When I sin I do not say "Sorry God. This is how you made me. You were wrong." I try to repent - not always successfully - but I do try.


Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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