Wednesday, October 25, 2006

No to billions of years. The proof!

Big news from the world of science. Professor Claus Rolfs of the Ruhr University, has shown that one of the great 'beliefs' of physics is demonstrably false. It may sound boring to state that his research shows that external factors have a major effect on radioactive decay and to the average reader, I am sure that the response will be a resounding "So what?"
What it means is that if half lives of radioactive elements are not a constant, and that decay rates could have, indeed must have been faster at various times in the past, then all uniformitarian theory is blown out of the water. Still puzzled?
This means simply that the universe is considerably younger than postulated by evolutionary scientists. If it is that young, THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY WHATSOEVER THAT EVOLUTION COULD WORK!
Combine this with increasing proof that the speed of light is not a constant either - which also affects radioactive decay inter al - and you can see that the religion of evolution is about to be proved categorically false. Not that this will be admitted, of course. Not that school textbooks will be rewritten honestly.There is already enough information out there to destroy the hypothesis twenty times over and yet still it survives - so do not hold your breath!

If decay can be speeded up, it answers critics of nuclear energy who say that waste with half lives of tens of thousands of years means that nuclear power can never be worth the legacy of radioactive filth we leave to future generations. If waste could render down, under controlled conditions in mere decades, then the whole argument will have to be looked at from scratch.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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