This prefererential treatment is reminiscent of a family with many children - some of whom are late adoptions. One of these is then spoilt by the parents. This causes two major problems. Firstly, the lucky child gets used to the privileges and begins to develop unreasonable expectations. Secondly, the other children become profoundly resentful.
The idiot in the street could see this..........
I do not condemn good relations between the various religions and if neither abused nor used for compromise, even Interfaith can be reasonable.
It is an abomination that some so-called Christians have accepted joint worship services with other religions. I repeat an old point. People have the 'right to be wrong' in a democratic society however that does not give the Church leave to dilute the faith. I have actually read the 10 Commandments even if they have not.
LINK: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/10/08/nfaith08.xml