Friday, October 06, 2006

Close it down!

Surely the time has now arrived. The Church of England is so infected with political correctness, leftwing liberalism and plain stupidity that it needs to be put down. If it were an animal enduring that much misery - you would quietly and lovingly wish it farewell and then you would pop it round to the vets for him/her to administer the final injection. It would be considered 'the kindest thing to do'.
Surely any remaining and passing resemblance of this moribund organisation to being a Church, actually dedicated to the God of Christianity, has now entirely disappeared; there are people within claiming this very week that God, if referred to as 'He', is the root cause of domestic violence!

When all its other self destructive tendencies are added, do we not have to ask the question how its few residual Christians, can in conscience, remain in this laughing stock?
Let it die. Let the liberal fellow travellers go wherever they will. Let the Christians begin again even if it means abandoning the buildings. "Church" is not a set of antiquated buildings - it is about PEOPLE who are sold out to God.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

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